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Should we not be spending more time teaching 2.0 skills to student (pre-service) teachers?

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Love the slide show. I absolutely believe that preservice teachers should have more training in utilizing 2.0 skills. Current graduates have grown up using technology in many aspects of their lives, but they may not have the training to understand all of the options they have for using the technology within their future classrooms. Do think that part of the problem is that the teachers don't know how to use 2.0 skills themselves so they can't teach the preservice teachers to use them?
Thanks for the slideshow. I echo Sunny's comments on all fronts.
I have also embedded it on my district edtech wiki (on which I am currently the only contributor).
Thanks for the comments!

My next step is to make this into a basic introduction for any teacher, not just beginner teachers.

I made this downloadable on the Slideshare site:
Please, by all means, download this, change it, make it better, and pass it on! (And share it with me too:-)

David -

Thank you so much! I'm currently working on creating a pd course for teachers on 2.0 skills/tools. I will definitely use this, you had some excellent points. Thanks again for creating and sharing!

Check out the wiki I used along with the presentation. Great YouTube videos and some very useful links (under the student page links) in the left navigation bar.

It would be great if you shared what you come up with as well:-)
David -

Sorry I missed your reply, I've been swamped and haven't kept up on CR2 as well as I should be :-) I'm creating the course in moodle, so I can't share the actual course very easily, but I will organize my links so I can share my resources with everyone. If you'd like to see my HUGE collection, I'm at - my tags just aren't organized very well right now. I am considering creating a wiki as well with oodles of links, just haven't gotten there yet - time, time, time. I'm looking at your wiki right now, thanks!
This is exactly what I believe about education. I am a product of this generation and it is why I chose to pursue education. I did not enjoy my education in high school, I want to incorporate these sorts of views and ideas into the way I teach. I talked about this in a thread I posted called: 2020 vision. Also I provided some links with even more ideas like this and some ways to implement it into the classroom.

Thank you. It is always good to see others with the same proactive views as I have about the future, technology, and education.

Welcome to Classroom 2.0 Joe! There are many teachers that share these views, and this network will introduce you to many of them! I've seen the video's that you shared in your 20/20 vision post before, but they are worth watching again.

Here is a link to my Youtube playlist Videos that Teach. Enjoy!



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