I need some help finding some online software ideas for recording virtual school attendance. We're required by the state to have families report the time they spend working on and off line. Right now, we're working with two different online curriculum pieces and they don't record time in the same fashion.

I was wondering if we can scrap their ways of recording and just come up with a universal time?

1) Does anyone run a virtual school?
2) What do you do (if anything) to record time worked?
3) Does any one know of some online attendance software out there where we can record hours or partial days worked?

The face to face portion of the school uses PowerSchool, but this will not work for my virtual families, since we can't give them access to passwords.


Tags: attendance, reporting, time, virtual

Views: 194

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Also, Moodle isn't an option for us. We're looking F.R.E.E.
Do you know WiQiZ?

See more: http://www.wiziq.com/


All the best,

Thanks Neli! I've heard of it multiple times, but I guess it never stuck in my head until now. Will check it out.

If anyone one has anything to say (+ or -) about WizIQ, please let me know!
Hi Ginger,

We work with many online virtual schools. You might try the open source SIS from http://os4ed.com.

Professional Learning Board
Hey, Ginger. I realize this is about two and a half years late, but I'm wondering what your results were. We are just beginning to craft a virtual school here in Nashville and though "seat time" is not an issue for us, is it still one for you?

The company I work for is looking for someone to pilot our beta release. Anyone interested?



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