I am looking for another class(es) to work on a collaborative project over video conference, blogging, wiki etc.

Nothing major, just something that can help expand what we do in class.

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My kiddos are on vacation next week and would start the following Monday. I have a small group of about five that volunteered. What time do you have them on April 21st. I can switch my schedule around to have them the same time you have your kids -- then maybe they could come up with a plan either via video or chat. Can you skype? We will focus on the treatment facilities and some of the asylums that popped up (?) or something else that would somewhat concrete -- there is a bit of an intimidation factor working with the "big kids."
I have a class that meets (CST) from 9:25-10:15am, another from 11:20-11:45(lunch)12:20-12:45, and finally one that meets 12:50-1:40pm. I am very flexible on the time that they are actually online.
I created a wiki that they may be able to use to chat. I will need to bring my camera from home so they can communicate (yes, we can skype). May have to set it up and test beforehand.
Here is the wiki again

the code is school. I can't remember if you need the code to post or not. You might want to give it a shot.
Just a thought...would my kids need any background info or could your kids guide them. Or...I could go over some info with them on Monday and then skype on Tuesday. Either works. I could get them together on Monday at 9:25amCST, or Tuesday at 12:50pmCST

I was able to get onto the wiki and created a page. I think during the research phase I will have them utilize our wiki (wikispaces) since they are familiar with it and then tranfer final stuff over to yours. I will have them put links on yours so that your kids can access it...or I guess this is something they can figure out when they talk.
I guess lets shoot for the morning of April 21st??? That would be great and give me a chance to introduce what we are covering in a general sense, and then meet with the others on a one-one basis over the course of next week (while you are on break). The earlier in the day probably works best for the kids that i have. I will try and put together some things to guide them, and let the students do most of the work.

Now I just have to remember my camera that Monday. No worries, though.

I will start putting some stuff together tomorrow.
I started my students researching this morning. There are 6-7 of them participating, and they seem excited. There are some students with some tech. background, so they are taking to the project nicely. I opened the site up to some other colleagues, so they can see what we are doing.

Here is the info that I gave to my students:

It is under the collaboration project 2008 link
Still shooting for Monday at 9:25am CST skype? My skype is shaggyhill. I have been checking out some stuff before the kids start on Monday and I think we will end up just focusing on CT. There are some incredible places right in our back yard--but they represent a national movement in the type of treatment, etc...
Monday around 9:35-9:40 CST should be good. I am going to touch base with them again tomorrow am, and see what they have found thus far.

Probably need to get my camera ready too.
I am trying to connect to Skype, and having difficulties. I have been able to do it from school before. I am going to get one of our tech guys here and try to help.
Let me know -- NO problem if it does not work. Can always try tomorrow...
We have a couple other alternatives--http://collaborationnation.wikispaces.com/Student+Pages on the top of that page there is a "walkie talkie" and we could do one way video here: http://collaborationnation.wikispaces.com/Steaming+Video+of+Todays+...

Let me know -- PBogush@wallingford.k12.ct.us
Big issues with Skype here. I will try to take some video of them today and upload it here.
Tomorrow we could do 9:35CST or 11:20CST We could use the "walkie talkie" on our wikispace -- or same time Wed. Otherwise we could upload some video on what we are doing.
Here is some. They are addressing the Skype issue.



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