So, Edmodo, the Twitter for Education just started their alpha phase.

I believe in the promise of collective intelligence, (real) collaborative environments, social media and everything else Web 2.0 has to offer. I believe these core concepts of Web 2.0 can have an enormous impact on Education.

The questions I'd like to pose here are:

Do you guys believe in the potential for microblogging (through Twitter or Edmodo or whatever other service) for Education?

Have you tried applying similar tools in any class? What were the learning outcomes?

Tags: 2.0, blog, edmodo, education, microblog, twitter, web

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Thanks for posting this, I have not posted about Edmodo on Classroom 2.0 yet as I don't want the appearance that I am only participating in Classroom 2.0 to make money, but if somebody else brings it up, I don't mind piping in.

We did a demo of our product at the Classroom 2.0 live workshop in San Francisco last month. If anybody else is curious about what we are building, don't hesitate to ask me.

-Jeff O'Hara
What are the differences vs. twitter, exactly?
I think this is will be a great way for students to blog without the length and depth of a regular blog. Also, to contact parents, students, etc. it'd be best if it contacted them via text message on their cells. My experrience is that kids don't use their email at all, so alerts would be useless. I just signed up. Twittter is blocked in our district. Thsi would be great to add to all my students' wikis.
What are the differences between this and twitter, exactly? the site itself does not have much info about the tool.
I guess the main difference (from what I can see) is the fact that you can expect Edmodo to have Education-oriented message exchange, whereas on Twittr you can find all kinds of messages... Let's see what Jeff has to say.
but, on twitter you can just pick and choose your contacts for the same effect. I hope the tool offers other features that twitt is missing. If not, its just about the same thing.
We offer messaging to groups (classes & activities), messaging to all your classes, messaging to individual students, assignment posting, embeded media posting, file uploads, picture uploads & rendering. An edmodo classroom is very private, but will have a public feed and any item can be sent to the public feed for the world to see. In future releases we are looking to add parent integration (still trying to work out how to handle that). Message me privately for a demo if your interested.
Have just started with Youthtwitter. This is built with wordpress using a theme that allows for a microblogging experience. My problem with trying twitter, other that understanding the "learning outcomes", is that the site is blocked here in the UAE. You can get at the tweets if you have an account but the ability to create an account is blocked. Makes it a bit difficult to follow people :-). Perhaps Edmondo would solve this problem?
So Jeff was nice enough to let me demo the tool this afternoon for about 20 minutes. Cool stuff. Here is a brief writeup.
W/ Edmondo you can create groups (classes). Each one is color coded which is nice and pleasant to view. Once these are created you send out an email to your student that tells them to either add their current account as a student in the "course" or create an account and then add themselves.

As an instructor or student you see the courses you have setup on Edmodo. You can add a note file,link,assignment or alert. The assignments and alerts are date sensitive and pop up as they get closer. As you add one of the above then decide what course you want that info to flow into. As a user you can view all courses at once or view one at time. You can also reply to any information added. You also have a "Locker" for saving interesting posts. You can tag the posts and search using the tags.

Besides classes you can create groups. Jeff, can you explain this area more? Not sure about this part of the tool.

So, if you use Twitter it would be like having a separate area to Tweet friends,family or co-workers. You would then have the ability to join Tweet Groups of common interest.

Cool stuff. Looking to use this to support incoming freshman now instead of Twitter if launch is successful. The cool thing is the startup for a tool like this ( and Twitter ) is a couple of minutes. I figured out how to use it in 3-4 minutes.

It would be nice to be able to customize the color scheme. Of course, I'm looking at this from a branding perspective of a university. I don't think that's possible.
I would also like the PM other users. I did not see this feature.

Lastly, the navigation on the left could be a bit more obvious. I see Classes, Activities and Groups but those headings don't really stand out to me. Overall, the tool worked well. I was pleased.
Thanks for this review of Emondo, Matt. I use Pownce regularly and like it for an organic academic writing community. Tumblr is also ridiculously easy to set up and go.
Yep. I've not used pounce but I do have a tumblr account.

have we reached the saturation point yet?
See you at 2.
Not quite...I'm still looking for a resource that makes it easier to retrieve past conversations. Meanwhile, have you seen the new Netvibes Ginger. Sweet!



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