Personally or in the classroom, do you use all of the features of your iPod?

I recently blogged this on my site but I want to ask the question here. Do you know and use the many features of the iPod personally or professionally? If so, which ones and how?

The blog post discusses the many options discussed in the Learning in Hand:iPod podcast which I highly recommend. It is free and available in iTunes.

My post is available in the blog of iPod Educators, if you are interested in it and missed it here.



Tags: iPods, tools

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Does anyone ever use the Notes function? iPod as a recorder with an add on recorder? The pictures for flashcards? iQuiz for quizzes? etc. How do you use the iPods inthe classroom? What purpose? Thanks.
I know some adult education teachers in California are using iPods to play videos in the classroom by plugging in to their tv monitors.
I totally agree. I am not by any means endorsing anything for Apple. It just happens to be what I see being used in the districts in my area. I am wondering how other teachers are using the "devices" . Are teachers using other features? I use iPod only because I think people know what I mean when I say it. I believe at some point it will become like Kleenex-- generic. I am using iPods in my classroom, and am curious what others are doing with them.

Good point.

I hope others will share the devices they are using here as well, and answer the same question. Thanks!

I have used the iPod recording device with my students for -

- collecting cool sound effects to be used in videos
- recording their oral reading for their digital portfolios
- recording on the spot reflections and dialogue when on excursions and camps
- recording interviews between kids for listening and speaking skills.

But, I certainly don't think I use many of the other functions enough.
Thanks for the info! What recorder do you have as I am in the market for one? The podcast I mentioned above is really great for ideas on what else they can be used for. I am really excited about trying more things with them, and it also may help me justify my district to buy more for the students.

I recently purchased an iTalk by Griffin. So far, I've used it to record my Kindergarten students singing in class. It's so easy and works so well.
Hi Sue,

I use the XtremeMac Micromemo. I love it. The sound quality is fantastic and it has a flexible microphone that can be turned to face the speaker. Check out for a review and picture below from the same url.

Thanks for the list! What file formats do the video devices take? Still MP4?

Great, thanks. One more question. What do you like to use for file conversion? I create my podcast in Camtasia which creates a MPEG4, but I need to convert it to the M4V to put the download copy on my site so it can be downloaded to my students iPods. I convert it in iTunes and then load it on the site, but I wondered if there is a good converter out there. I recently had to convert an avi to mov in Quicktime Pro, then load it to iTunes to get it to M4V. Easier way?

It does. I produce them in .flv (to run on the site) and MPEG4 (for download) but the MPEG will not load to an iPod until you convert it in iTunes and the resulting file is .m4v. The .m4v loads fine and also loads in my iTunes feed. I don't understand the difference. I can ask the Tech Smith guys or maybe at Apple. I have just been running them through iTunes conversion but it is a pain. I will also check to see if the new version of Camtasia has the .m4v instead of the MPEG. I wondered if anyone else had this problem/issue.

We use our iPod for recording conversations, and discussions, as well as listening to audio books. Music is always a favorite, but we rarely use it for videos. My students all have MacBooks and they use those for playing/showing visual media, including pictures.
I use the recorder function on iPod to record podcasts with students about topics they were studying in Social Studies. They love it! Then I use Audacity to put the podcast/bumper music together. Right now I'm finishing some "We Were There" newscasts about Revolutionary War battles in South Carolina. I've never used video on an iPod in the classroom, but I would love to hear some more ideas about what other people are doing.



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