I am running a workshop on blogging and would love some samples from students that I can share with my group. Any suggestions? Any links?

Tags: blogging, blogs, student

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Ooh! These look great Michelle. Thanks.
Thanks, Michelle for suggesting A Really Different Place. This is my students' blog. I have two other teacher blogs that might give you some more ideas A Not So Different Place and A Very Old Place
Thanks Nancy.
My class blog: http://epencil.edublogs.org/

The Darfur blog project: http://manyvoicesdarfur.blogspot.com/

Students 2.0: http://students2oh.org/

I hope that helps
Thankyou Kevin. I will use these blogs with my group. I enjoyed your Electronic Pencil.
You are most welcome.
The kids are proud of our blog and it does provide a great platform for publishing and sharing with parents (who love being to get a glimpse at what we are up to)
You can see my kids' blogs at my feeder site nstearns.edublogs.org. We have classes of AP Lang and Comp, 10 writing, and Reader's Choice.
Thanks SparklingDrift. This is great.
How did you go about setting the kids up with edublogs? Was this part of the lesson and did you explore others before you got started? How are the comments monitored?
I had kids set up their own blogs at learnerblogs (now everyone uses edublogs). All of their classwork and homework is entered there and then I link them at my Stearns Fatherblog site. The next step is to subscribe to their blogs through RSS and get Google Reader to aggregate them in folders. So, we use them pretty much every day and I can see their work whenever I need to. Is that EdTech gobbledygook or did that make sense?
The blogging link on the right side of the home page gives a whole lot of examples and links to blogs used in the classroom.
Thanks Sandra. These both look great.



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