First of all, thank you to all of the people who responded to my "Redesigning Curriculum with Embedded Technology". I find this place such a great place to share!

I would like to begin "collecting" examples of classroom practices/projects that utilize technology in deeply engaging ways. I often believe what's missing for many teachers is that "picture" of what truly meaningful engagement looks like in the classroom. As I am leading our tablet pc program, I would like to provide the participants (Grades K-12) with examples.

Already on my list is the work that Marcos Torres, Vicki Davis and the folks at Arapahoe are doing to illustrate the transformative power that technology has on learning. Do you have any other truly inspiring work that I could add to my list?

As always, thanks for the willingness to share!

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Hi Cary, you're welcome to drop by our class Ning. I teach adult refugees and migrants many of whom have never used computers before. We make movies and do interviews relating to their lives. It's been a tremendous success with increased student engagement. Our community is private due to privacy and security concerns but you're welcome to drop by.

We're at

Thanks, Greg! I look forward to seeing your students' work!
Hi Cory,

My specific interest is technology in secondary science education and I have a few examples of projects that engage students:

The Jason Project (Extreme weather events)

The Human Body (Biology interactives)

Down to Earth (Geology interactives)
This wil be a great addition to my list. The members of my group include secondary folks who will no doubt benefit from these examples of ways to utilize technology to "hook" kids.
You might be interested in our video projects with elementary students, mostly at grades 1 &2 which are on
Thanks, Mathew; I've bookmarked your site and will take a look at it soon!
BTW, Matthew--we ended up quoting you 3 times in our $100,000 video grant application! You're nearly famous. N.
Nancy, I hope it helps. Good luck.



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