Hello Everyone!

I wonder if you can help me out?

I am going to be presenting at an ed tech conference next week, discussing my use of teacher created podcasts and screencasts or "masterycasts" and how they have impacted my classroom. I am going to be showing teachers how they can do the same, using their students iPods and mp3 players as teaching tools.

I am looking for other examples to show them! Please share what you have created to help kids, or the work of others you have seen as well. I know I am not the only teacher out there doing this! I am interested in resources and examples running from sites, ITunes (or similar aggregators), or other audio/video use of players of any type assisting learning.

How are educators using audio/video, iPods, and mp3's as teaching and learning tools?

Thanks for your help!

Sue P

Tags: podcasting, screencasting

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I have to be honest here in saying that there is nothing about this:

"We have one teacher, who records his math lessons during his prep period the day before. He then plays the video podcast during all of his classes the next day, stopping it when appropriate, asking questions, making sure students understand. This method can also ensure that each class receives the same content."

...that sounds interesting to me. This person seriously stands there, playing a video of himself talking to kids? That seems so very odd to me. Again, not to be overly critical, but this is one of my biggest criticisms of podcasting. Like any other technological tool... it can serve to revolutionize the learning process and drive our classrooms toward a more learner-centered place. However, as any tool... they can also be used to perpetuate the problems associated with the status quo... only making them shinier.

In my opinion, what most of our students do not need is more... standardization. What they need is an instructor who can make critical decisions about a group of disparate learners... very quickly... and then act accordingly.

What I do agree with here, is that podcasting can increase access and extend the learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. If done well, it could also allow valuable class time to be taken up more by teacher facilitation of collaborative work, individual conferencing, focus groups, etc. The problem is, I have just seen few examples of this type of use of the tool.

I too, would love to see more examples of this. I am not a pro "podcaster" by any means, and this post will likely give that away.

Thank you, drive through...........

Sean, I agree it seems like a disconnect kinda "big brotherish". Our students did podcasts as passengers and crew on the Titanic--I thought that was a good idea. I've seen other good podcasts but having students read reports or teachers recording lectures doesn't cut it in my opinion.

I see so many people using the tools when it doesn't enhance teaching, learning, thinking, discussing or reflecting--like some how the tool itself is a magic bullet to enlightenment. That won't last long though--IMHO 90% of the tools will be gone and the other 10% will charge a fee in a few years.
I have just started podcasting with my kids - they are on my blog http://simonborgert.blogspot.com/

I have been setting the "lecture" type presentations as homework so that the kids can spend time in class working on application of the concepts. - so far it has gone over really well with my kids
Very good. These are great example of how podcasts can be used to help deliver content, (and very well done!) which is what I feel the most valuable aspect of podcasts is. These type of podcasts could be used to help lecture, be used for students who missed class and for studying. They could also be used by parents, who wanted to help their children at home, but have forgotten some of the concepts. In my opinion, Podcasts and Math go very well together. I think one of the other things that should be mentioned, that it should be content that matters most (if you cough, sneeze, etc. It just doesn't matter.), you don't need production quality podcasts. After you do many of these, they will just start getting better and better.

Good work SImon, do you mind if I tell some of our math teachers about your site?
Yeah no worries Paul - I will be updating soon there are more on my new blogsite http://www.stepbystep.com.au/SimonBorgert

Soon I will be setting up a Moodle based interface as I do more and more vodcasts - curently I struggled to keep up with doing the vodcasts and uploading to the school intranet as well as the web! So will primarily base my work on the web!
In classes that need more time for application using podcasts to go over lab procedures for instance the night before, saves precious instructional minutes
Interesting discussion forming around this issue on this blog.

Check it out.

Also: here's my side bet: you will revisit that blog again after today.


I have my students produce podcasts (from seven of my different US History classes) on the week in review. The podcast focus on key concepts and terms that were used in the weeks instruction. I then upload the podcast and at times have selected students upload the podcast to each classes blog page. The students then listen to the podcast and take an in class quiz that week.

First you don't need to create a podcast for students to learn. There are lots of great content already out there. I teach science and I have found anatomy and physiology and chemistry. I have a colleague who uses one of the language podcasts with her world languages class. My AcaDec team once found info on Chinese history. I make brief chapter summaries and tutorials that I link to my blog so kids can download. Kids can make cool podcasts as well. I have had them write original poetry and record it with Garageband music. I have had kids make enhanced podcasts of dissections. I gave extra credit for extra languages since our school has 13. I had another class make a radio talk show based on characters from a chapter in a book. I am only now looking at screencasting and how it can be helpful. Another way to use mps players as teaching tools is for classroom management: pass up papers music, clean up music, content music etc.... The other day I played the muscle song. My classes than had 10 minutes to "choregraph" this song. There is some good content available in music. The brain folks say we should be using music 1/3 of the time.
Hi, everyone,
In addition to the value that teachers can add to the learning experience with podcasting, there is also the added value of students using this facility themselves. If not a full blown podcast, just being able to record notes themselves and to save these as.mp3 files can be extremely valuable. We (we are a Further Education College - ages16-19 predominantly + some 14+ and many adult part-time learners) use a program called Podium http://www.podiumpodcasting.com/ which has a simple interface and enables ease of use for the novice. It allows for podcast production or just recording of individual mp3/wav files. I have attached feedback from an 18 year old student who used this to record her revision notes in preparation for her advanced level exams (before entry to University). We intend to promote this heavily to students in the coming academic year.
At the school I work at, there is a college close by. I teamed up with a professor there who teaches future teachers in the area of reading. We developed an activity where my students, 3rd graders, did an oral reading podcast and their college "podcast pal" listened to their podcast and then returned a podcast giving suggestions on what they can do to improve in their reading (all area). The 3rd graders would then practice their suggestions before the next podcast 2 weeks later. This process of podcasting back and forth continued throughout the year. My 3rd graders were very motivated as they were for the most part, a class labeled "At Risk". Through this project, their reading fluency and comprehension improved a lot!
ITunesU is a really great resource I was just introduced to this year. ItunesU has podcasts from many different educational universities involving many different topics. There was a really cool series about the Holocaust. They have different podcasts from Holocaust survivors- and they tell their stories. If a middle school teacher teaches about the Holocaust these podcasts can fit vey nicely in the lesson. ITunesU is a very fun and educational resource involving podcasts and can be a really great educational tool- There is a podcast for probably any topic the teacher teaches about.



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