Help! I know this has been posted somewhere in Classroom 2.0 before, but I cannot find it. What does one do to delete the navbar in Blogger. At the very least, I would like to delete the "Next Blog" button.

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I've done it before but the link I used is at home. I tried to do a search here at school for "how do you delete the next blog button on blogger?". I got dozens of appropriate hits BUT all the links were blocked by the district, so I can't help! At one time I heard that removing the button was against Blogger's Terms and Agreement, but then I heard it wasn't so you might check it out. The fix is quite easy, at least it was when I did it.

You can add a "Blogger" button to the sidebar, which I did. Jack Olmsted's link worked out well for me. It's definitely worth adding to your bookmarks. :-)
I've read your blog over the last year but haven't seen you here before- if you are new to CR 2.0, welcome.

My class blog is done with Drupal, my other two teacher blogs are done with Blogger but I don't care about the NEXT BLOG button.
If you haven't already created your blog, you might consider using edublogs instead. They're more education friendly! If you have already invested too much time in your blog to switch, as Nancy suggests doing a search brings you to several links. Here's one that has a few techniques as well as some discussion about the Blogger rules regarding removing the nav bar.

Thanks. I am already familiar with using Blogger, and I don't have the time right now to figure out Edublogs. That's not to say that I'm not interested, though. . .

I've been using Class Blogmeister with my honors language arts class this year, but in order to create multiple blogs for my other LA classes, I would need set up a different account with a different email address for each blog, which isn't convenient. I'm going to use Blogger mostly to teach my regular LA students proper internet comment etiquette.

My longplan is to set up an Edublogger account this summer and then decide if I would like to make the switch. Whether or not I can create multiple blogs for multiple courses with Edublogs will probably be the deciding factor for whether or not I really want to make the switch.
I've spent time on this as well, and I think there's been a progression on this issue by Google. At first, it was against the terms and conditions to delete the navbar. Then it seemed that they said it was OK, but made it hard to do, and the fixes people came up with would work for a period of time and then not. Currently, Blogger help says: "The Navbar appears on all freely-hosted Blog*Spot blogs, but can be disabled for users publishing via FTP." And: "Unless you publish your blog via FTP, the Navbar cannot be disabled." (see

One article I read described blocking the URL that the navbar uses for "next blog," which could work at school, but not if the blog is being accessed out of school.

Jack's link worked for me. I hid the navbar, but then added a Blogger badge to the sidebar to keep up with the terms and conditions.

Thank you!
The blogger navbar can be deleted. This was a hot topic for a community group I was working with last year.

Here is a website that provides a step-by-step how to guide:

Thank you! This worked for me.



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