Background : Site to support parents of students at a university. The amount of links will be large. I need an area to house all of these on the site.

So, I might have totally missed something do you simply create a large list of links to different web resources. I don't want these links in the TEXT BOX option. I'm using that for an introduction. I don't want to add the links inside the blog option either. I guess I'm looking to add a second TEXT area.

Anyway, does my request make sense? If this has been answered already I missed it. NING searches bring back massive amount of results.

Tags: links, ning, parent support, university

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Hi, Matt.

So, the way I did this on CR 2.0 (see the right side column) was to add another text box. When you are logged in as the network administrator, and click on the manage tab, you can add as many text boxes to the front page as you like. And if you have paid to run your own ads (or to *not* run in most cases for education), then you can put something in the right hand column which runs on all pages.

So the easy answer is yes, you can add a second, or third, or even more text boxes. :) Just go to the manage tab, then the features button. And you can come to the Ning in Education webcast starting today (see
Steve -
Thanks SO much. To be honest........(turns red) I assumed you could only have 1 txt box on page. It never occured to attempt to add a second.

So, about the, if I purchase the right to add my own I also purchase the right to not add any, right? Just want to be clear.
Then, by not adding the ads it clears up the entire right column.
thanks again..this site is such an amazing resource.
You're right on all accounts.

It's not necessarily intuitive that you can add extra text boxes, but you'll notice for those elements on the features page where you can add them more than once, even after you add one you still see the feature as available on the left.

And when you pay to "run your own ads," you'll see additional flexibility on the right column for putting in your own material.

Are you on You might like to be there, too.

Glad you like the site!
I am
I'm seriously thinking about upgrading to remove the ads myself. Still trying to figure out the best way to track grading. If that gets solved, I think Ning is the place where I can quickly create interactive teaching content.
I've been using a wiki for FAQs. I really don't like the idea of having users be disoriented by different services, but this might be inevitable.
wiki tool is coming on ning in the near future.
On a seperate topic.....
just found out a wait to create simple surveys w/ google docs! Kinda cool.
I'm in the process of getting the ads removed on the ecuparent site. Once they are gone I will use that area for resource links etc.
I've got a lifetime membership to Wufoo , a very slick survey maker. I use it to collect student info before class starts and as an anonymous check on how students are reacting to my courses.. I'll check out Google surveys.

Matt, as I'm thinking about using Ning for developing online courses, What application would you recommend for the grade/response tracking features that most course management services offer? I'm coming up empty, but would sure like to read, respond to, and & grade students work all on the same page.



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