The Apache webserver is one of the most used webservers on the Net. It's supposed to be stable, robust, and all those good things. I've played with it a bit and found it incredibly difficult to figure out. For my light duty tinkering, I use the free Abyss server, found here:
It's a nice little package that I've found works even when everything else on my computer has crashed. Not a resource hog by any stretch of the imagination.
I have tried Inkscape and it is a pretty nice alternative to Illustrator. I'm surprised you do not include Open Office, Gimp, and Tux Paint which are by far the most bang for the buck. Open Office rivals MS Office and is fully compatible. Gimp is a powerful Photoshop work alike that even has some features not included in Photoshop. Tux Paint is for everyone who misses KId Pix. These are great programs!