Lets use this thread as a clearinghouse for twitter ID's Twitter so we can leverage our collective knowledge.

Twitter Account Infomation:
Matt Long http://twitter.com/mclgreenville
Rich White http://twitter.com/richwhite
Susan Tsairi http//twitter.com/susant Susan mentions Edutwits
Daniel Craig http://twitter.com/seouldaddy Daniel also mentions GroupTweet. Really cool !
Sue P. http://twitter.com/masterymaze
Kolson http://twitter.com/kolson29 Kolson's Twitter network. http://twitterbrainstorm.wikispaces.com/

Interesting and Helpful Twitter Applications:
58 Twitter Apps !

Tags: twitter

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My twitter http//twitter.com/susant

I set up a google form entitled "EduTwits" for a workshop. Some of my twitter friends helped out and filled in their info, thanks to everyone who did. The workshop is over but the form still works! All you do is fill in your Twitter ID, country and blog or website url. The sheet automatically updates.

Please add yourselves!

Also set up a version of the results with a google map
Thats kinda cool. Question...I know how to create a survey by using the spreadsheet / share option but how do you tie in the google map piece? I must have missed that.
Hi Matt,
In the spreadsheet click on "insert"- "gadget" , there are a few gadgets that can be added. The map gadget is listed under the "web" gadgets.
will try. thanks so much.
My normal "danielcraig" was taken :( but I've grown to love seouldaddy :)

I'd also suggest trying Group Tweet for working with groups. They do one beyond a basic group tweet in that users can use it like a Tweetserve (listserv). Kind of need and could be very useful for classes or other collaborative groups.

Someone (sorry no attribution) tweeted about this the other day.

thanks !
Will update list Monday morning.

A few of us also started a wiki for our twitter network to have more contact info for our twitter friends - it was originally set up in case a twitter outage, but as that happens less and less, it's now become sort of a clearinghouse for our contact info. You can find it here: http://twitterbrainstorm.wikispaces.com - request to join!
thanks all. List is updated
Awesome. Was just about to create a post like this. mine is @dtangl.

Another great resource to check out for educators/ppl interested in edutech on twitter is http://wefollow.com and browse the education, edutech, educationaltechnology tags.



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