Thanks to all the people who responded and gave me ideas about what to do and how to help this teacher who is newly excited about using the new technologies. It is about one week since we were at the conference. Today, during his prep time, we discussed what areas he still might like. As I suspected, his initial excitement was now tempered by the reality of school business. But he was open to trying something. After a bit of a discussion, we decided that he would get a google account and begin using RSS. He wanted me to give him ideas about what he should be reading. Well, of course I said he should read what I write. He politely declined :( So, I told him I'd ask some colleagues and friends what they suggest. He has decided to 5 would be a good starting number. He will increase as he becomes more comfortable with the technology. So, again, I ask for your help as I coach this teacher into the world of technology use. There were some great responses and some great ideas that I will be using with other staff depending on their comfort level with technology. Your top 5 suggestions for RSS feed would be?
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