I have created my own gmail account, and I am working on creating the blogs to be used by by students. I don't understand the concept of the gmail alias, though. I thought that the alias (entered into edublogs when students create their username) was ysabell616+studentname@gmail.com. Is there something I need to do at gmail, to create this alias, or do I just enter it at the create username page?

My email is ysabell616@gmail.com...am I doing this right?

Tags: blogging, gmail

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From google--

Gmail doesn't offer traditional aliases, but you can receive messages sent to your.username+any.alias@gmail.com. For example, messages sent to jane.doe+notes@gmail.com are delivered to jane.doe@gmail.com.
You can set up filters to automatically direct these messages to Trash, apply a label or star, skip the inbox, or forward to another email account.

Here's an instructional video

Looks like you're doing it right!

I used gmail aliases to set up accounts on my class blog using edublogs. It was a little tedious, but once it's done, it's done.

You're right, there's nothing to do at gmail, you just use your "new" email addresses on the administration part of your blog. i.e. provide your ysabell616+studentname@gmail.com.

Actually, following that, you do need to go to your ysabell616@gmail.com account at gmail.com to get the password for your newly created ysabell616+studentname@gmail.com account.

My colleague, Jane Smith, and I have created a document about this topic:


Edublogs has since made it easier to create multiple users with one email address. There's information about this at:


Hope there's something helpful here for you!
I will look at these sites. I got a message from edublogs that " that email doesn't exist" when I tried to do this.

This Gmail trick isn't accepted by all sites, so try it out experimentally before you waste time getting students to register in class time.
I watched the 1st video, but I think edublogs haschanged how adding user accounts works, because when I click on the Free green button on the home page, I get a page that only starts another new blog, not just a new user. I do need to do that for each student, but then I have to get each student signed up as a user. The edublogs video on this subject says to use the "add user" link under Users on my dashboard, so I went there, and for the email typed in MY gmail username + studentID@gmail.com and got the "a user with that email cannot be found" I obviously need to get a user account for each student, THEN add user, but I can't figure out how to get a user account.
I don't even know why I commented, I have no idea about how any of this works! I still say, just bite the bullet set up an AUP, get parent permission and start the kids emailing. The ones that are going to get in trouble with get in trouble with or without you!
Okay, I figured out what I was diong wrong! I clicked the sign up for free button while I was LOGGED INTO my current account. I had to LOG OUT first, THEN click the sign up for free button to get a screen that allowed a new user to sign up for an account without a blog. The gmail alias I tested seemed to work, but I'm still waiting to see if I get the email to activate the account.

And it worked! Gmail even forwarded the email to my yahoo acct, as I had set up since gmail is not my primary. WooHOOOOO!

Thanks everyone for your responses!



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