Google Apps - Example websites and iGoogle Start Page Ideas?

Hi everyone,

I know that there has already been a lot of discussion already surrounding Google Apps, but I was wondering if people who belong to schools or districts that are using Google Apps for Education were willing to -

1. Share their websites i.e the Start Pages of schools/districts/classroom which I presume are customized iGoogle pages?

2. Suggest some appropriate gadgets and tabs to use on a customized iGoogle Start page for a school that is considering going with Google Apps?

3. Share any major issues/concerns/problems associated with going with Google Apps (Education Edition) for a school.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and ideas!

Tags: apps, gadgets, google, iGoogle, schools

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I love google app's as well. Anything I really want to keep I download in bulk and burn on a CD that is moved to the file cabnet-just in case.

I like using a wiki and not allowing my district to host anything I create. The fact of the matter is during the time they pay me I am busy teaching the students. The lessons I create, host and work on I do from home.

I use my wiki page as a home page because I get to control what the students see. I have a link for google doc and that has worked out well. I would hate to add up all the times I have bought MS Office and how much money I have given them over the years. So for me I am using Open Office and Goggle apps. I figure Bill and Melinda have a big enough house by now. :)
What a coincidence, Kelley! I was just reading this Spotlight on on FOSS in schools in Kerala (India) and this wonderful article by Richard Stallman on Why schools should exclusively use free software!
Great article ..and so true. I always include links so students can download their own copies of the opensource software. The added benefit is that they actually work on their projects at home. Asking for more homework!! I believe they call it igniting learning.
Mike, can you tell me which edition of Google Apps you are using that allows the student email to be turned off?
I don't have control over the domain here as it is controlled by our district. The only thing I see that that I could do is sign up for the standard edition and create a domain and pay $10.00. Have no idea if this allows me to turn disable student email. Thanks if you can help.
I am using the education edition, though I see now that they've got team editions and so forth. I'm at a small school and have easy access to our domain, but I imagine that you have the same controls in the standard edition if you create a domain on the fly. Even though it's nice to have the email off, I'm finding that it wouldn't be so bad to have it on all the time.

You might still be able to get set up an account as an end user. Try this link, check "end-user" and see if it lets you set up an account.

Even if you have limited access to your domain and the server with your website on it, you could probably setup google docs with a little help. Once google has verified that you are an actual school, you'll be ready to go. One of the ways they verify this is to have you upload a simple html file to your server. You could probably do this by emailing the file to the district and asking them to upload it (ultra-simple task on their part). It might be best to coordinate beforehand, because your application might expire if google doesn't see the file within 72 hours.

Once your account is setup you won't have to mess with the server end stuff anymore, unless you want to put a link on your schools page to the google apps login. You'll have administrator control over the google apps system and can upload as many users as you specified at signup.

Hope that helps.
Hi all

I am new here. I started to use Googles App service because the system my University offers is of no use.

Google docs, calender, site, and picasa are very useful.

I am not very happy with the issue with using google app and that it is incompatible with other normal igoogle services,
but for my class room the google site proved to be very useful.

here are some public sites.

I wish they would follow the same strategy with the igoogle and all non-google apps for designing the themes but well that is more a cosmetic problem.



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