There are so many cool tools-no time to try them all. Has anyone used any of the following tools? So I started making a list of sites to check out. Then I thought how about posting the list and getting feedback from all of you. Can you give each one a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Then I can decide which ones to check out-and ditch the rest:)
Too much to do, not enough time. I've only use a few of these:
Voice Thread very nice indeed. make slides shows, add audio, text and video comments.
Common Craft videos, great intros to podcasting, and other 'stuff'
vixy youtube conversion, does what it says on the tin, download version of vixy much quicker.
Gee, Kelly this is a big list and I dont know most of these. I really like voicethreads as they have so many applications in the educational fields, are easy to set up and maintain. The educational version is free or you can subscribe to the ed-VT and enjoy a really protected environment. Their back up service is just so fabulous.
As to the fleck site mentioned, the flavour of the month amongst my twitter colleagues is diigo, which I have not got into but would like to. It appears that does similar things. We use for online mindmapping. It is a very simple version but easy to use and the students love it. Amazing what some people could draw with just the limited tools. Very interesting to "play" a drawing and watch how it was done. - Kevin Carter - Weymouth, MA
Thanks for the links! I looked at them all and plan to use most of them. The common craft link gave me an idea of how to introduce wiki's to my coworkers.
The Common Craft videos are great. They have one or two that might not be appropriate (how to escape a Zombie, for example), but the explanations are simple, quirky and clear.