Finally, it's done! For the last few months I've been diligently working with teachers, superintendents, and tech coordinators/directors across the country to create a student technology assessment.

This test is simple to administer and reports are instantaneous! It is designed to meet requirements in the NCLB Act and is mapped to the ISTE Nets.

The 60 question assessment is designed to be completed in one -two periods for students in 5th - 8th grade. Don't forget - you need to assess all of your students by the time they reach the 8th grade!

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Lisa- that sounds cool. So, are you offering to distribute that assessment or just sharing?
Well I dont personally distribute it. I worked in developing it for my company and they sell it. We have an intro price right now so its cheap - but the price is going up shortly. I don't do sales, but if you are interested in learning more direct message me and or post on my wall and I can give you some more information.
I'm very interested in hearing about any statistics from this test.
Well we just started selling the product today actually - and we already have SEVERAL school districts across the country purchasing it to test their students by the end of the school year. So, as of right now, we don't have any statistics. But in a few months we may :)
Do you have a PDF of the new test that your company just made available that aligns with the NETS-2007? I was given a PDF of the 1998 NETS assessment you made available this fall. However, we use Office 2007 and I was hoping to review the new test to see which might be better for us.

Thanks so much.

Mark in Cincinnati
Hi Lisa,
You wrote: Don't forget - you need to assess all of your students by the time they reach the 8th grade! Just curious as to where you got this information. I'd like to share it with my district, but want to know what I'm citing.



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