I would like to create some learning objects that could be plugged into a Blackboard course - am just wondering does anyone have a piece of software that they love or a bit of advice to share - or maybe a good link?

I have been trying to find some recommendations on the web and generally there is a lot of stuff about the theory of learning objects and technical standards, but I haven't found much practical advice yet.

Your thoughts much appreciated...

Tags: courseware, learning, objects, software, tools

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What do you mean by learning object?
A learning object is a piece of content
- usually considered to be smaller than a course or lesson
- usually delivered online via some sort of CMS/VLE
- normally for Blackboard, Moodle or similar, it complies with 'SCORM' standards, so you can embed it in your course
- it's not simply a chunk of content to be viewed but has an interactive element
- in our dreams, by complying with standards and with the application of appropriate metadata these objects are easy to share, reuse, and recycle, so you can search repositories such as Merlot http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm NLN http://www.nln.ac.uk or LORN http://lorn.flexiblelearning.net.au to find an appropriate piece of ready-made content that you can use
- but I want to create my own, so am seeking tutorials, templates, useful software?
ah! use omnisio or empressr.
OK thanks Michael
Hi Leo,
I have been working on a resource for teachers to assist with just that. http://web20guru.wikispaces.com is my new wiki with tons of free resources and strategies for seamless integration. I hope this helps. I know as a teacher, there was never enough minutes in a day to search for resources that work with specific goals and objectives. I will continue to support my teachers with this site and hope that you find it useful!!
Thanks Cheryl - looks like a great resource!

Thanks for the link.




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