New FREE maths/english game website - 5 to 11 year olds

Tutpup is a brand new maths/english game website for school kids and is free for students and schools. It has a distinct International flavour.

Richard Taylor, who is behind the site, explains a little about the site saying "unlike many other games sites we don't collect any personally identifiable data or act as a disguised marketing tool. All of our games are competitive and head-to-head which kids seem to love, and while we acknowledge that some teachers have real concerns about competitive games, I also got an email saying, 'I think the format is great - the competitive element is doing wonders with my low ability, low achieving Maths group'".

Richard is keen to hear any feedback from teachers who have tried the games with a view to improving the site.

Has anyone tried it out and what do you think of it? Are there any better sites out there doing the same thing?

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That website is sweet! Thank you for sharing it. I almost got beat by someone in China. :-)
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the feedback. I like that International aspect!!
We participated in World Maths Day and also had a trial with vMathLive. These were much more engaging as the kids could play against up to four players, got to make an human avatar, and the site appearance was more appealing. However, to continue the service is very expensive, so Tutpup might just be the alternative we are looking for. The kids loved the competitive aspect of the games.
Hi Maddy
Thanks for the link. vMathLive certainly does look engaging. Maybe tutpup will be able to add some of these features and still keep it free!
My son uses a programme called Mathletics at his school. He is so enthusiastic about it and loves the 'Live Mathletics' competitions with other students from around the world. He even plays at the weekend and in the school holidays! It's great to see him so excited about Maths and it has improved his results hugely. He can also work on tasks from the whole curriculum and he has help guides if he gets stuck - as well as the mental arithmetic games. I would really recommend it!
Hi Sarah
Thanks for the tip. Mathletics looks very like vMathlive except for Australia only! Great to see that these computer programs are so useful.
I just gave a spelling game a quick try and noticed two things:

1. The British prononciations might throw off some non-British students. (I had trouble with aluminium.)
2. The spelling are British, not American. Expect to spell things with our, not or. (Such as colour vs. color.)
Hi James
Very interesting feedback. With the company based in England, I guess it is understandable that pronunciations and spellings are English as opposed to American. I think, though, you have highlighted one of the main problems in trying to reach an International audience. Perhaps more 'neutral' speakers could be added and different sections specified for the spelling tests!
For some "old school" spelling games, check out this terrific site with lots of fun ways to practice spelling:



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