In August, I get 45 minutes to make a presentation to our staff on how to effectively integrate a projector into the classroom. At some point next year, every elementary classroom should have a projector so it's an important inservice.

I'm attaching an Inspiration .jpg outlining some ideas. I've also come up with some or researched the ideas below. Any other ideas or feedback are greatly appreciated.

-Skype video chatting with classes around the world
-Harcourt Math online
-teach vocabulary using PP
-teach songs using pp
-graphic organizer
-writing prompts
-educational games/rewards
-display a timer for assignments
-display quizzes or tests (save paper)
-post math problems
-desk work in the morning
-pp online
-create graphs
-game shows (PP template or SmartBoard Notebook software)
-hook up a dvd/vcr
-creative writing
-research with students
-show how to reference materials
-game reviews (PP templates)
-virtual field trips
-web cams
-hook up video camera to demo activities or show smaller objects
-online worksheets
-photo sites (show what you're talking about/prompts for creative writing)
-class newspaper
-google earth overlays
-library online (teach how to search)
- - online rubrics
- - online tests
-teacher/student introductions


Tags: integration, projector

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-project graph paper on whiteboard to teach graphing
-show colors and shapes for younger students
-project questions on a screen and have answers behind them on whiteboard
Hi Derwin
Catching up on some discussions I have missed and thought I would share another aspect of projector use. I have found that it is also a valuable classroom management tool. I have a good collection of screen savers that appeal to groups I am teaching and when I want to get the attention of the whole class, I simply hit the 'hot corner' on my computer and have them all looking forward without having to say a word. I also use a timer widget quite often to keep the class to time for group activities. I have even been known to morph pictures (usually of myself) in photoshop........... I have also found that students who are off task can easily be brought back on task by letting them 'drive' my computer. Hope you find this useful and it may prompt others into offering other suggestions.
Hi Derwin,
Every classroom in our school district has had an LCD projector for a few years now. All the teachers will tell you that they don't know what they did without them! That combined with wireless keyboards and mice and the students become part of the education process! I've got teachers creating their own lessons in Powerpoint, showing streaming video, educational DVD's, visiting countless websites on the fly, modeling writing, editing, and math skills, showing picture prompts, using countdown timers and countless other things! The students pass around the keyboard and mouse and the whole class is involved. It was such a seemless transition for the teachers. It's probably one of the best teaching tools. I can't imagine teaching in a computer lab without one. How else can you demonstrate the lesson you are trying to teach? Even after 2 years, I am amazed at the way the teachers use the projectors. One a side note, we haven't replaced a bulb yet in my school (they are pricey, so I know that can be an issue).
The use of remote responders and a projector is a way to poll students &/or ask them questions to test prior knowledge or review materials. Students and teachers get instant feedback when the results are displayed.
My projector has greatly enhanced my classroom. I've written in more detail about many of the things I do with it on my blog, but here are my top five.

1. Google Docs, Zoho, or Buzzword- Publish and share any notes you type in class with no tech knowledge required. Students just go to a link you put on your webpage, blog, or they can type in the url.
2. Mindmaps - Numerous applications allow you and your students to make these. You can use PowerPoint shapes or a web 2.0 app like You can do the same thing on a whiteboard, but these are savable and publishable.
3. Maps - Google earth is awesome. I also use an app called Zeemaps, though there are many like it to highlight countries, write notes about them, etc.
4. Timelines - Let your students do the teaching by having them use an app like mnemograph to put in pictures for blurbs on a timeline - then publish it.
5. Tell a story in pictures - Grab a bunch of pictures from the web and put them in an app like voicethread or slideshare. Alternately, you could just keep the pictures open in individual tabs or put them in your photo library. Tell the story you need to tell with the pictures and have the students draw along with it. This works for 1st graders to high schoolers.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'll be sure to come back and share my final presentation with everyone.
Don't leave out the "advance organizer" effect of a good video playing while they walk in the room. High school students can be persuaded to get to class on time and cut the gossip with a well chosen video. They may not even notice your stealing their time for your curriculum. Here are some examples:
Hey Derwin,
I know I use my LCD for posting morning work or warm up problems in math class; I usually have them on a PowerPoint slide. The students know to find the warm up and get started. Also, I use the LCD to take a look at interactive websites such as the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives,, to model a variety of math concepts rather than using regular manipulatives on an overhead. Hope this helps.




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