Hi there,

I want to put my PowerPoint presentation about learning to Website and share with others, and don't want others to modify it?

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

Tags: PowerPoint, Web, on, presentation

Views: 8311

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Here is an example of what I am talking about. Except this was made with VoiceThread. Same idea
Hi Sunny,



or you can use



Mark Cruthers
Hi SunnyY,
What I do is this:
1. Go to http://www.slideboom.com/ and open a free account.
2. Upload your ppt and embed it in your blog, wiki, or website.

That simple!

I invite you to watch and listen to what one of my students did. She narrated what she does during a normal day. Let me tell you that her ppt was uploaded because she accepted it. This is the link: http://www.slideboom.com/presentations/20638/Anahi%27s-Day, see if you can modify it.

CU Around ;)
Carlos Raul
PowerPoint to Video Converter is a professional tool to generate PowerPoint to avi format files with excellent output quality. There is no problem referring to audio and video asynchronization or audio distort. (Note: Apart from converting PowerPoint files to AVI, this PowerPoint to Video Converter can also convert PowerPoint to 3GP, MPG, FLV, MP4, DV, MOV.)

You can use Google Docs and set the privacy settings so only you can modify the presentation.
Just thought I would show you a couple of examples from authorstream

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by radhasai
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by ginga

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by Eyeful
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by steinkt
Hi there,
1. You may use http://www.slideboom.com where you can upload your ppt presentations, even narrated presentations in ppt, of course. Look at this image and you can see the options you have:
2. Don't be selfish and share what you create with the rest of us.
Warm regards!
Carlos Raul



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