Has anyone used this web tool? I'm interested in opinions about the tool as well as information about the type of ads that appear in the broadcast.
An informational video can be found at

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Please let me know more about it?
I've looked into Mogulus and have really liked what I've seen. You also might want to check out http://www.selfcast.com/.

Plus, if you want to do your own broadcasts the best application I have ever found that's done this is Wirecast, I "live and die" w/ this application using it on a daily basis w/ announcements for all of the districts I have worked in.


Check out an example of a video made in Wirecast. We edited the movie in iMovie but did the chroma-key, special effects, and broadcasting to the whole school in Wirecast.

Your video is great! thanks for the advice.
We use it for one of our live streaming interactive distance learning GreenbushTV Channels @ http://tv.greenbush.us .... we are kind of transitioning to Ustrem.tv form most channels though - Ustream has come a ling way over the past 6 months or so!



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