Hello all.

I am interested in starting a conversation that discusses the pros and cons of using Ning as a course management system (CMS). I will be teaching 7th grade instructional technology in the fall and am trying to find the best solution that allows my students to participate in blogs, share files and resources, submit assignments and participate in a safe and secure social network.

I like the features of Ning, but I don't know how secure it is, as far as maintaining administrative control, protecting student identities, monitoring student usage, etc. Is there anyone out here who is using Ning as a CMS? Any advice and suggestions you have will be much appreciated. Cheers.

Tags: Ning, cms, vle

Views: 503

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I use ning with Y7 (11 yr olds). You can lock it down completely so it is not visible or joinable without your permission.

How much freedom you give the students is up to you - pimping their profile etc.

It is a great social networking forum.
Go to ning.com and set up a test social network. Check out the admin controls and decide for yourself. Only issue might be the TOS requiring student be 13 or older.
That means either my students are all older than their parents have been telling me or I should stop using it with Y7. Ooooooops
Hi Andrew. Ning is a great tool for building a social network. It seems to fall short for managing and interacting among multiple networks though...which I think it what you would want in a solution for managing your courses. We address that issue with our solution and would love your feedback and suggestions. www.zloop.com (It's kind of a combination of Ning and Basecamp)

Our focus is less on building one totally customized social network, and is more about being able to centrally interact among many private networks (we call them loops). Check out our demo loop for new users and let me know what you think. I think it might be just what you are looking for.

- Jim
I have a Ning social network for my online high school students. I also have a LMS that we use for kids to access courses, coursework, submit assignments and email the teachers. There are a lot of features in our LMS that you can not do on a Ning like, submit assignments to one central location, build easily viewable units and lessons, and directly email. I would not use a ning for this. I love the Ning for blogs, discussion forums, school groups, doing specific projects with other students, and having a student homepage.
The ManyOne Beta is up. I started building a virtual course here.

I work for the company and would love your feed back.




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