Probably most of us have bashed PowerPoint at one time or another and made snide comments about the appalling ordeals we've been made to endure in the name of multimedia presentations.
At the same time, I for one still have the daunting challenge of having to make PowerPoint presentations from time to time and want to create them to be as interesting and effective as possible.
So it came as something of a pleasant surprise when I encountered the World's Best Presentation Awards on the SlideShare site this evening.
There are 10 winners featured and I particularly like 4 of them: Meet Henry, Sustainable Food Lab, Translation as Vocation, and I Am the Media. I wish to add that I don't necessarily like or endorse the message (read content) of all the winners, rather I'm focused on the manner of presentation.
I'm thinking that showing some of these and/or discussing them in appropriate contexts to appropriate people might help raise the general quality level of PPs a little.
Personal comment: I disagree pretty emphatically with the choice of ShiftHappens. Of course, the content of this presentation is exemplary and it makes extremely powerful and meaningful points. I suspect that's why it was selected. However, if you have seen the original (can be found at, I wonder if you agree with my preference for it, rather than this pimped up version on steroids
Just some thoughts.
Jim Lerman

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Please read articles / books by Jane Bozarth.
She is very fond of Powerpoint Presenations
She wrote a book titled "E-Learning Solutions on a Shoestring".
- Seshagiri
I am an advocate of powerpoint because it brings visual information to education.True most of it is poorly done but I thought the examples shown were more about advocating than about education.
You can see some of my examples used in classroom at: , or on Slideshare at:

I don't know if I think all of them are great. I think don't break huge design rules, they are pleasing to the eye, but some are too text heavy. The best use I found for PowerPoint was taking class notes. I would project a blank slide, and while facing the class with keyboard on lap, ask them what they just learned, type it on the slide, then discuss. I could then post our notes up for them to look at later.

I'm willing (if anyone wants to) to submit to a deconstruction of a presentation. I do have one that I recorded as a screencast, so you could hear my patter with the slides. I'd find it fascinating to go back like that.
Very good points, Alice. We have just started using Tablet PC's, which add some nice functionality to doing what you suggest. Instead of sitting there with a keyboard, I use Microsoft OneNote and handwrite the notes, which are then saved and posted to our Blackboard class site. The students enjoy seeing their input and having the content after class.

I am also a big fan of is fun seeing how others attack the same topics.

- Britt
The really enjoyed Dan's blog series on How To Present Well: Find the Through-Line
I echo Deidre's comments. I thought for the most part, the presentations were "selling" a product and not educating. Too caught up in themselves.......... I really think ppt is a great application for educating, unfortunately it is used for effect and not affect. Meaning, it is the sauce and not the meat.

I have produced many great games, Jeopardy, Top 5, Price is Right, Presentations/Drills, Deal or No Deal etc using Powerpoint and find this much more satisfying rather than these kinds of presentations which only just seem to "tittilate" and provide shallow effect. If anyone wants access to my folders with many inspirations ppts and games for use in the classroom, join my ning for EFL or email me and I'll invite. I've put a few examples below of what is more educational.

Another great application for a classroom teacher and which is quick and does what technology should, stimulate so that content is interacted with, is Fling the Teacher. History teacher in England uses it and I've used it for EFL classes. He did such a great job with it! Easy for teachers to complete a game and the kids are mesmerized...I really like it, technologically sound - not too much in the sparkle category, easy to use, adaptable, user friendly.....constant. Fling the TeacherTo see a direct example, go to my teaching folder on my materials website at the Batcave.

I also must mention -- I convert my ppts into flash for ease of use and delivery. I use Flash Spring, a free convertor which only leaves a small watermark. Barely noticeable. Unlimited trial. It took me hours of trial and error to get one that works so trust me, it's great!

I agree with you Jim, aka new friend...I've started creating two powerpoints when presenting, and thought I'd pass the idea forward...When I was presenting GoogleEarth at the FETC last year, prior to my actual presentation, I had a kiosk presentation running -- so the early people could actually get in mode for further learning as well as open discussions... As far as ppt goes, I'm starting to navigate using more visual pieces than ever before and its most effective...
First things first - Jim, thanks for the invitation.

I just finished teaching a short class on "Create Presentations" at our local college. In my research for the class I came across I think one of the coolest features about is the ability to upload your own work and then have an "online" presence for others (students) to view without them having to run PowerPoint. I see this as a essential tool for Classroom 2.0. You can also copy some easily provided code and paste the presentation into your blog.

Here are some links that I shared with my class and you might find worth a click:
Presentation Zen
What is a good PowerPoint design?
Guy Kawasaki - The Art of Innovation
Speaking as a Performing Art
The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
Beyond Bullet Points by Cliff Atkinson

One of the key lessons I learn from giving and teaching slide presentations is "Less is More." The presentation slides should spark some interest and imagination in the audience and allow the presenter to take the group through the material. A picture is worth a thousand words!

Jim, if you think the version of Shift Happens is on steroids Karl Fisch (the original creator) has created a video that may be more to your liking. You can view it on You Tube. One of the facts presented in this new version is the original presentation was given in 2005 for 150 people at a school in Colorado. In June of 2007 over 5 million conversations have been started about education in the 21st century. Shift Happens!
Thank you Dave for the very informative post. Of those 5 million folks who have viewed Shift Happens since its unveiling in Colorado, 4 million of them have been in presentations that I made! :-)
These are great examples. I use power points a lot to introduce vocabulary in Modern Foreign Languages teaching, making particular use of embedding sound to help non-specialists and I'll try to attach a copy to show what I mean. But the person who has most inspired me is Joe Dale who writes about using ICT in MFL Teaching in his regular blog.

and particularly about powerpoints in:
I've made a powerpoint project for students to share how they feel about different aspects of their school life.
The project starts with a series of blog posts that students are invited to contribute moderated comments to. They can then make a presentation about how they feel about their own school life.
The project explains all the basics of powerpoint and explores what makes a good presentation.
If anyone would like to use the resources and/or get their students to contribute to the blog posts, go to
If you have any questions and/or feedback, feel free to email me via ning.



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