I'm looking for a middle school class that would be willing to Skype with my 5th- and 6th-grade science students regularly (weekly? monthly?) throughout the school year. Ideally, I'd like each student to have a partner in another school. The partnered students could use Skype and Google aps (or a wiki) to complete some sort of collaborative project. I teach in the Central City area of New Orleans and would like to expose my students to people of different backgrounds and cultures. I have kids from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST every week day.
Let me know if you're interested or have any questions.

Tags: collaborative, cooperative, middle, pals, pen, project, school, skype

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I live in London UK. We can't use skype on our network but the others sound like a possibility. However, I am an ICT teacher. I have classes with students aged 11-13 but I am not sure if this matches grades 5 & 6. I might be able to get a science teacher involved if that would suit you better. What topics were you looking to cover?

My students are 10 - 12, so that sounds perfect. I'd love to collaborate with you -- it doesn't have to be science-related. I hadn't really decided on any topics/projects. Do you have any ideas?

What programs besides Skype would work for you?
Im a teacher librarian (aka school media specialist) but I would like to get a teacher or two into this project....Contact me at cathyjonelson@gmail....We begin school August 25.
Hi Cathy,
could I ask an advise?
I'm Information Technologies tutor in Moscow, Russia.
In case improving my speaking in English I'd like to offer to native speakers some free skype lessons in some information technologies (web development, search marketing ....) or russian politics or culture.
What do you think would it has a demand? where can I post an announcement?
any online stuff really. facebook and myspace are banned. ning requires you to be 13.

i've been looking at seesmic recently - http://seesmic.com or twitter?

we use moodle - we could set up a course in that and i could set up some usernames for all your students, and you of course. we could use wikispaces to develop some ideas. what we need is a topic??

with my third form (11 yr olds) i'll be doing some movie editing - we could do some movies for you and vice versa and then we could put them on teachertube and comment on them? they could be on science in UK vs USA for 11 yr olds - they could examine and challenge the curriculum etc

what d'you think?
That might work. I always do iMovie with my kids. But I'd really like to do something collaboratively, with our kids working together. That's why Skype seemed so perfect. Bummer that it's not allowed at your school. Have you used voicethread at all? That could be another option.
What are the main science topics your 11-year-olds study? I wonder if we could work from that angle -- looking at the same topic. Or maybe even interviewing one another? Most of my students were evacuated via helicopter during Katrina. Many lost everything, including family members. I'd have to get a feel for them (we don't start school until Aug. 18) and whether they'd be emotionally okay sharing, but maybe we could work that into it???
What times do you have your students?
We star Sept 3rd.

I only see them once a week but their science teacher would see them 4 times so this might work better. lessons start at 09:10, but when the science lesson would be i'm not sure.

what's our time difference?

a shared topic might well be the way forward. doesn't have to be something about katrina. in fact probably better if simply a science based thing for everyone.
Hi Katy,
We are willing to do almost anything! I like the idea of just skyping and chatting for "non-academic" reasons--video pen pal sort of thing. A real easy time would be on Thursdays at 1:00CST. We are 8th grade. What I have found is that having at least one question to start with is super--and then it flows from there.
Also see my post: http://www.classroom20.com/group/distancecollaborations/forum/topic...
Let me know,
Paul Bogush

Thursdays should work for me, but I think I'd have to weave in some sort of academic questioning, etc., if we can work something out. Once my schedule is finalized, I'll contact you to firm up the details.
Me, me, me, or should I say my kids! Skype has been a bad word in my school and I would love to have my students use it intelligently and productively. If you don't have a partners for all of your students, maybe we could integrate my language arts with your science kids. Sarah
Awesome! I'm sure we can work something out. Has the school year started for you yet? We begin Monday (18th). Can everyone post or e-mail your schedules and we can try to figure something out? We're a new school, so my schedule hasn't been finalized yet -- I'll post it as soon as it's confirmed.
At the least, with this many teachers from around the world interested, maybe we can all create some partnerships. My e-mail address is katyscott22@yahoo.com, and my Skype name is katyscott22.
I like the idea of one website/wiki with all names of interested folks and time of day available! Be more than happy to set one up.



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