I am starting the ITMA program at Virginia Tech this fall. Has anybody else taken this program, or presently in the program, that has advice to give? Suggestions? Stories to share? Are there websites of projects that you have done? I'm interested in hearing from others that have thoughts. Thanks!

Tags: I.T., Masters, Tech, Virginia, program

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Brian...I am in the ITMA program through Virginia Tech. I started in the Spring taking the first 3 1-credit courses. This summer I took Instructional Media, Digital Audio and Learning Theories. Crazy...I know. I am going through the program with another Suffolk ITRT. I've finished the theories class but the other 2 I'm still working to complete before the fall semester begins. So far I'm enjoying the program...but boy is it a lot of work! I'd love to hear stories too of folks that are further into the program...advice...etc.
I appreciate the feedback. My wife is enjoying the last few weeks with me before my three year deployment begins. She's nervous about seeing nothing but my back as I hunch over the computer! I even treated myself to a wireless router so I can work on the patio via my laptop.
I didn't think the workload was bad at all taking just 3 credit hours. I will probably continue taking three hours at a time during the school year but next year I plan to take at least 6.
I took my first three intro courses this summer. So far so good!! We should have a group to support each other.
Whew! That's a relief!



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