Here's a site I'm just getting to know and love!, which seems to be the "parent" of
One of the features on the site that I particularly like is "Noolz" an online album/scrapbook/flipbook maker.
Unfortuantely the Noolz creations can't be embedded but there is a searchable directory on the site.
It would take too long to describe all the features of Jambav however this is from their aboutme page "Community Empowerment:
We provide you with a platform where you can interact with other parents, educators, facilitators and resource people to share, exchange and help one another. This also enables you to tap into the combined creativity of our community. Our inclusive focus enables us to also reach out to children with special needs"
Check this great site . It has video lectures, audio lectures, animations, podcasts and many other. It is just amazing....