All apologies if this is answered in another thread, send me there if needed. I am in a bit of a time cruch and didn't have time to go through previous posts.

Beginning this school year, every HS student will have a tablet pc. Wuhoo! Teachers have had their tablets since last spring.

I use to maintain a class website (my blog entries are class announcements, etc). Love edublogs.

We have a senior project and I am wanting to add a website/blog building component this year. Each student would be the creator of a site/blog about his/her senior topic.

Question 1: Should we go for website or blog creation? I love the idea of allowing comments on the blog and I think this preps them better for the world they are living in ... but there are concerns about comment content.

Question 2: If we go the blog route, is there a free (or relatively cheap) program that allows for students to create/maintain their own blog but still allows moderation by a teacher?

I did read that some forum members here have not had issues with comment content, I'd love to hear more from these members.

We have only a few teachers in our small HS that are comfortable with all of this "new" tech stuff. :) I'm okay with it, and I groove on it ... but I know I am going to have to compromise with some ideas of others about safety and protection.

Tags: blogs, student

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You could look at ning then everyone would have their own page but group discussions could also be held. Just set down the rules and boot anybody who doesn't abide by them. Keeping track of dozens of individual blogs might be a nightmare.

We have a class blogsite, each child has their own blog but I have completely control. The blog was made with Drupal and served privately (which is cheap).
Try for teacher moderation... Another idea would be to use Weebly (free website creation with blog) and post the blog as the main page of each students' site... Good luck! Sounds exciting :) Nicole
Try for teacher moderation... 21Classes has a "private" feature as well... Another idea is to use Weebly (free websites) and use the blog feature--students can post their blogs as the main page and then use additional pages for special assignments/projects, whatever... (Weebly is super easy to use--extremely intuitive)
Is there a free hosting service that will accommodate students under 13? Or do you think it would be okay for students to set one up if I had a signed permission slip from a parent?
My kids have a blog done with Drupal, parents signed permission but it is hosted on a private server. Parent signature doesn't take the place of a sites Terms and Conditions.
Thanks... I think our LMS actually has a blog service that will work for our needs. But if not I will take your suggestions into mind!
This is a great website I have used for years. Lots of different resources. I am not sure about student blogs. Sometimes Nings will receive Spam. I would definitely research all the legal ramifications since all of this is so new.



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