Hello everyone.

I have recently created two social networks for my classes (I teach 2nd and 4th grade math, science, and social studies). Aside from the normal features (events, forums, etc.), would you recommend any other features that would help with parent communication?

I am using the networks for parents to ask me questions, stay current on classroom events, get homework help (through podcasts or video), and communicate with other parents from the class.

Also, this leads me to a "stupid" question - how and where does one add podcasts to a Ning site?



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I used voicethread near the end of last year to make some messages to parents. This year I'm going to be using it to make tutorials for parents with math. I'm not using ning for it, I'm using blogspot for my blog and keeping the videos on videothread. I'll have podcasts stored on our school server and use feedburner (with points). I have this set up now at http://mymathclassroom.blogspot.com if you want to check it out -- I just have a sample video posted at the moment because our school year doesn't start for a couple more weeks.

I teach in a special education program, be careful about using "real" names. I'd hate for you to get busted for some confidentiality issue.
Hi Matt
I am assuming that you have the podcast on your computer as an .mp3 file
If you are managing your own ning >manage>Music>upload file but FIle size must not be more than 20MB
If you have access to your own hosting company it is better to post your podcast then and use a hyperlink to the podcast file.

Is it possible to change the subheading "music" to "podcasts" through Ning?


Rename a feature I am not sure which term to change but try search term "music" I have yet to change the name but it is a start- let me know if you figure it out

It worked! The instructions were pretty easy to follow.


Hi Matt- I just add the mp3 file to the post. Honestly, I make my post as a new discussion or as a blog first, because there is the little button to upload files. That gives me the code to use, and I can copy and paste it into a comment, if that's where I want it. Here's a little example from one of my blog posts:

water buffalo happily splashing in a pond. WaterBuffalo.mp3

I could make the text bigger and more colorful by using the text editor found on EFL classroom (I just keep a link to this text editor handy as I post, it works like a charm with ning) To use the text editor, type in and manipulate the text/ pics/ table the way you want, then hit the "source" button in the upper left corner, and copy/ paste the code into your post. Of course, I could use the text editor to add the mp3 files (podcasts) also : )

Another handy feature is being able to use an image as a link.... all sorts of options if you dig around.



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