I'm preparing a workshop to help some teachers learn how to use some web 2.0 tools. I'm focusing on digital stories, podcasts, blogs, and wikis. During the workshop, I'd like to show them some students examples. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Tags: 2.0, blogs, development, digital, examples, photo, podcasts, professional, sharing, stories, More…student, web, wikis

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Teachers have submitted VoiceThread examples at my wiki at: http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/. Included are samples from K-16, ESL, Admin, EdTech, and ideas for best practices.
My students from last year created a writing blog. The site address is html://talentedtexans.blogspot.com. It hasn't been updated in awhile, but my new group should be active in a few weeks. They are fourth grade.
We've done blogs, wikis, Moodle book discussions, podcasts, webpages, video, photo manipulation, and so on and so forth. You can see our stuff here, let me know if you need anything else. N.

Thanks so much. I thought your CSI website and wiki were a perfect example of how web 2.0 technologies can really enhance student learning. I hope you don't mind if I show you off during my workshop.

Thanks again.
Help yourself and let me know if you need anything else. In that case the CSI wiki was used to organize and store research before it was published to the website. Looking back, the best wiki was the first one http://thewright3.wikispaces.com. Students read a book called The Wright 3 and studied the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, they then connected the book to the real world, fiction to fact. It worked well for that purpose.
Nancy, I love thewright3 wiki. It is exactly what I wanted to see "in print" as I have so many ideas in my head. Did you, as teacher, create the pages, and then assign certain students/groups to each? I have some a group of about 10 I'd like to have read Farewell to Manzanar and am not sure how much to have done per person and how much in, say, partners - any suggestions?
Here is a wiki a few of us developed for a Web 2.0 workshop. For each tool, there are some classroom examples.

Hope this is useful.
My students worked on several podcasts, a movie, and work on wikis. It's all stored on this one wiki. Take a look around and use anything you feel might help you in your workshop.
I am a language teacher and a PhD student interested on the use of wikis for fostering foreign language learning. In my page you can find detailed information about the pilot project in which I started working with wikis. The paper presents an application of wikis for mediated collaborative learning of Spanish as a second language in which students were asked to create a set of pages about topics of their interest. I hope this didactical use of wikis would be useful for your workshop.
Students from my class created most of the wiki content. Each student was encouraged to make his/her own page. Some good pages to start looking at: McKenna's, Jem's, Alanna's, and Nicole's and the "Stories by Students" page. I hope this helps.
Try this site http://www.sbsd.k12.ca.us/web/judywright/Ms._Wrights_Class/Welcome....
click to the podcasts and download any you like (this year's site will be put up by this teacher soon in their place). There are more around my district if you would like more. Any grade level you're focusing on? This was a fourth grade class working on a grant with BP



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