First Grade Online collaberation for first grade students

I am looking for another first grade classroom interested in collaberating through blogs or skype with my first grade students. I want to incorporate real life technology with in my social studies and science concepts. I want them to communicate with students from around the globe so that they can compare likes and differences throughtout the year. I am new to this so I will be learning right along with my students. Is there a place out there that would be a good place to start finding other clasroom with this same interest?

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I teach a very international first grade in Switzerland and would be interested in blogging... and yes, I'm pretty new too so who knows how it could go.
I am so sorry that I am just now getting with you about this. The beginning of school is CRAZY in first grade. I have not put up a blog yet but I am going to in the next couple of days. I will let you know when it is up and going and then we can figure it out from there. My webpage is
go ahead and check it out and bookmark it so that it will be easier to find. Do you have a website?
I am a first grade teacher in Wilmington Delaware. I am trying to infuse technology into my teaching just like you. I have the same goals as you. I have a classroom blog ( My district does not allow us to use Skype, but we have new video conferencing equipment this year that would accomplish the same thing. I too am fairly new in incorporating technology, but I am not afraid to try. Last year I started a weather project through a blog and I intend to do this again this year. You might want to check it out and see if you would like to participate ( I would be very interested in blogging or conferencing with your class while working together with you. You can reach me at
Thank you so much! This will be a great opportunity for all of us. I have also contacted swissvis and I think they may be interested as well. This would be great if we could all collaberate together. You can go ahead and check out my webpage at
this is where I will be posting my blog. It is not up jst yet but I will let you know when it is ready to go. I will be contacting you soon.



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