I was wondering how many are using layered curriculum? Are there any high school social studies teachers using it?

I am looking for some online games, interactive programs, basically web-based 2.0 stuff that I can include. Feel free to toss in any that you use. I am looking for anything.


Tags: gaming, online, socialstudies, web

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Have you seen this http://help4teachers.com/
Yes I have. I am looking for some programs that will allow students to create the higher level thinking projects.
I teach gifted kids K-6 and we are always involved in something, including a deep dive into the Titanic, using cemeteries as primary sources, and interviewing WWII veterans. We use technology all the time. Here is all our stuff, you might see something inspiring.

I also have done national presentations on using primary sources in the classroom. I have a primary source blog. Several years ago I did a presentation on using primary sources in the classroom and one on The Library of Congress. The workshops are password protected on the internet, let me know if you are interested in seeing them and I'll give you the password.

Have you seen the LOC blog or footnote? Here's footnote's blog. This guy uses tech with his history students. Let me know when you find the "Ah-ha" thing! N
Thanks for the links. Very good stuff. If you can think of more I would gladly appreciate it.

You don't mention a specific class you're teaching... I'm fairly new to Web 2.0 as well. However, you might be interested in a couple of Web 2.0 laden resources on the 2008 election campaign.

First, PBS rolled out a very well done curriculum piece on the campaign, called "Access, Analyze, Act: A Blueprint for 21st Century Civic Engagement". You can see it at http://www.pbs.org/teachers/vote2008/. It includes blogging activities, various widgets and interactive applets, and other lessons.

In addition, Cable in the Classroom magazine ran several stories regarding teaching about the campaign, including one which included several examples of what teachers are doing as far as using "new media" to teach government and the election. Check out http://www.ciconline.org/cicmagazine-sept08, and click on the link called "Campaign Planning".

I hope these will help you.

MIchael Hutchison
what's a layered curriculum?? haven't heard of that before!

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Layered curriculum is explained here. In a nutshell, it is a way to differentiate for all learners based on different expectations chosen by students...do this for a "C", do this for an "B", etc. The requirements are more complexed and thoughtful as the layers move up.

I actually like what is called "tiered assignments" better and they give every kid the chance to do the best work they can possibly do. The same content is presented to all kids (It could be presented in different ways--some read it aloud, some read silently..and so on.) Then the options for making sense of the material is "tiered" based on students ability, interests, and learning profile.

Here is an easy example of a tiered reading/journaling assignment written by Carol Ann Tomlinson for students who are getting ready to read the book Tuck Everlasting.

Group# 1 Guess what the word everlasting means. Look up the word in the dictionary and write a definition that would be clear to a first grader. Illustrate 5 things that are everlasting and hypothesize what the book Tuck Everlasting is about.

Group #2 Hypothesize about what the book Tuck Everlasting is about. Write about and be ready to defend your choices of what sort of things would be included in a book written about everlasting things in your lifetime and in life 200 years ago and 200 years in the future.

Group #3 Place on a continuum of “less enduring” to “more enduring” the following things: gold, coal, love, friendship, energy, time, fear, happiness and other things you can think of. Write a poem, draw a picture or compose a song that expresses your reasoning in placing these items on a continuum. Hypothesize about the books title.

Permission granted for use by: Carol Ann Tomlinson 2002

The idea of tiered assignments is that each kid will have a fit with the assignment and will make sense the best way they can. Tiered assignments are hard to write (well) but even if you just did one a year you'd begin to build a great library.
I am looking for information from anyone willing to share!! I am completing my masters, and I have chosen layered curriculum as my topic for my research. Is anyone able to help me out with testimonials, information, or resources?! THANK YOU!
I have just started my school year!! So I have 3 days of layered curriculum under my belt. Not much of a master in layered curriculum, but I have already noticed a few things.

1. Write out the different activities with well explained directions. Otherwise you will get a lot of questions. That was my bad.

2. Students really do appreciate the choice. They are more willing to do an activity if it is given more value to it than if it is required. Although they understand that reading the book is required.

3. I made a rule that I will go quickly around the room to ask if there are questions before I will check anyone's work. This is ensuring that I will definitely see how all the students are doing, even if they don't have an activity done for that day.

4. I follow the line of thinking from Jane Pollack's One Teacher at a Time. I do not like to use points in the gradebook for the activities. This takes away the pressure of the almighty grade and teaches intrinsic motivation to do well. My grading goes like this: I assign each activity so many Werts (German for value); they have to get so many Werts to move to the next layer; the exit quiz for layer C has no value at all, it is a checkup; layer A is worth points for the gradebook because it is showing that learning has taken place and the student can do something with it; if the layer A is a group project only 1 may receive the points; and then there is an exam that is retestable that is worth points.
Sounds like you are off on a great start. Keep good notes and you may find a place on the lecture circuit! Your students will apreciate your acknowledgement that they are all different. Good Luck, N.
do a search on differentiated instruction and layered curriculum

I've put some links for a ton of online interactive kinds of things at:

Some links to video games at a couple of places (I really need to consolidate the two!):

And I have written some stuff about games and different games at (Just click on "Video Games" in the category cloud):

Good luck!




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