With the start of a new school year upon us, I find my time to be at a premium. As much as I would love to surf educational websites all day and get some great ideas for my classroom, it is just not possible (nor does it pay very well!). I'd like to hear back from anyone on their favourite website for educational content, tips, resources, lesson plans, etc.

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Discovery Learning and Net Trekker have lesson plans based on state standards and topic's. These are good sites for a quick fix.

Click http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com/Web+20+Browser+Tools">here for a list of Web Based tools you can use with your students. The list is seperated by topic with brief explanations for each site. No surfing just choose from the list. You can click http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com/Open+Source+Software">here for free software, known as Open source. It is also classified by type. The last list you might be interested in is a list of websites by subject. Click http://computerkiddoswiki.pbwiki.com/Great+Internet+Sites+by+Subjec...">here for the websites by topic. This is a hug list so you will have to scroll down for a while.

These are my lists but many others have assembled lists of there own you might want to check out. Set up a delicious account and when you find something you like tag it and before you know it you will have created your own lists
Hi Chris, I know what you mean about being busy. Our time is at a premium and it seems that we are being asked to do more and more. I think the first thing I would ask is what do you mean when you say educational sites? Do you mean sites where you mainly get information and ideas for lessons, research etc. Or (or maybe 'and') do you mean sites where you and the students have more involvment in creating, producing and sharing the content. If it is the former then Edutopia is a great place to start. You might also like to look at this site Go2Science created for Mohave High School. Look at the tabs at the top of the page to find heaps more ideas. Try the Discovery Channel site and in particular Kathy Schrock's work. If you are looking also for ideas on different web2.0 tools and how they might be used in the classroom then there are many wikis that have been created for just this purpose. I have one at Teaching with Technology and there are lots of others that are great. Here are a couple of my favourites. This one you will probably know as it's the companion to this ning Classroom 2.0 Cool Tools For Schools is also a fabulous wiki with lots of great links and ideas. Educational Origami is a great wiki if you want to explore more of the theory. I found some great rubrics on this site. But there is so much more. I know I will have missed many others that are out there. But in the interests of brevity and your wish to not to have to look for hours, all of these have multiple ideas in the one place. Good luck for the new school year.
Hi Anne, you are correct, I should have been more specific. I am looking for educational content sites with lessons and ideas. You've given me some new ones to look at! Thanks!
Hi Chris,
I presented a workshop in my district for new teachers. I created a web page so they can find useful materials all in one place. Check it out at
I hope this helps.
I gather together the links the kids will need for the unit of study and put them on our website. Many times the links will have specific curriculum connections. For instance, when we studied the Titanic last Spring we had sites that went along with each lesson or project. I, for one, think free surfing is a huge waste of time for elementary students. Yes, yes, I know that I'm preselecting resources. I don't care---I don't want them spending hours searching for information that ends up being from "Bob in Cleveland" or a 12 year old in western Kansas.
Funny....when I read this, I thought "one 'go to' source??...good luck! There isn't one."

Then I thought about it more and realized that my iGoogle page with my feed reader embedded (as well as widgets for Twitter, gmail, and a few others) is my one "go to" source. With a variety of resources streaming into one page, I can quickly and efficiently scan news, get ideas, and collaborate with others.

This is a model that busy administrators, teachers, and students can all use to maximize their time.



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