My colleagues and I are seeking to start a wiki that would link up students from around the world to discuss issues. We would like to use it as a tool for 1) global citizenship, 2) exemplifying humanity/social attitudes and values across the globe, 3) provide global perspective on issues.

Anyone interested in participating?

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Hi, Cami. What age/grade are you looking for? I work with college students who are studying to become teachers. I would like them to have an opportunity to discuss with students elsewhere. Jo
Hi Jo! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I teach 8th grade students.
This sounds interesting but I'm not sure how much time we would have to devote to this. What kind of time commitment do you think would be involved? What kind of things do you see having on the wiki to achieve your goals?

I'm a computer teacher for K-8 so I have an 8th grade class which could be involved in this.
Aloha Vicky!

In our initial goals for this project, my colleagues and I are discussing that this wouldn't take up more than once a week during our advisory period (a homeroom class that is 25 minutes each day).

I will start by posting a question, and at your convenience, your students would add their wisdom and opinions regarding the topic. At this time, pbwiki (check www.globalcitizenship.pbwiki.com) isn't set up to take comments on comments, but students can add solitary comments to disucssion questions.

This is our first try at this - and we are hoping to start out small. If something grows from the experience, that would be great.

Where in the world would your students be writing from? :-)

Thank you so much for your interest.
Hello Cami from Buenos Aires, Argentina!
I am the owner of a private school in Argentina, Colegio Aula XXI, we are beginning to work with wikis, we will be interested in participate in a experience with kids from different parts of the world ,it can not be a long poject because our classes finish the end of november, but we can try.
How can we do it??
un abrazo
Aloha Lucia from Hawaii!

How exciting! The wiki site that I started is http://www.globalcitizenship.pbwiki.com. On it I wrote about my colleagues and my goals with the wiki page. Initially we are just starting with comments about questions and would eventually like to move toward something more interactive - but I am relatively new to this technology. Our goal is to have our students visit the site at least once a week, but it is relatively low key in nature. We were hoping for the interaction.

Our school year runs from now through May - so you are welcome to join us whenever and however you are able.

Hi Cami,
A friend on mine (bexta) referred me to this site recently: http://whatmattersonline.com/ which has some great resources relevant to this (huge) topic. Under the "What you can do" tab it has info. about climate change, consumer culture, Darfur, pollution, poverty, child brides, oil addiction, AIDS, malaria and more. Best of luck with your project!
Thank you so much, Britt. I will check that out!



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