I am interested in having four or five of my students having either a pen pal to communicate with by snail mail or an email pal they can communicate with on a weekly basis. This can be with students in America or abroad; the more diverse the better. I would like to use this connection to help my students become more aware of the world outside their small hometowns.

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Hi Mike,

I too am looking for kids to communicate with mine. I'd like to start the first week of next term which is 13/10/08 for us, here in Adelaide, Australia. I have set up an e-zine wiki for my kids to work on with other kids from around the state, country or world. Would you like to check out the wiki and see if you'd be interested in having your kids participate? My kids are grade 4 and 5 which is age 9, 10 and 11 over here. Our wiki address is http://collaborativee-zine.wikispaces.com/


Hi Louisa,
I would be interested in doing this and the 13/10/08 start date would be fine. My students range from 14 to 18 years old, are MiMH, and function at a grade 3 to 5 level; I have three or four students that would like to participate. My class is small, I have only eleven students but they are all with me because they have behavioral problems that will not allow them to go to general education classes. I may be slow to get started and the few weeks of lead time will be a help to me as I am not familiar with the procedures to set all this up. I will explore your site and take some pointers and get started now so that I will hopefully be ready. Thank you for your response, I know my students will be excited.

Sounds like my class last year - I only had 10 kids - social emotional probs as well as some intellectual disability! What does MiMH stand for?
MiMH is mentally impaired mentally handicapped. A student has to have this as a primary diagnosis to be in my class; this puts their IQ between 55 and 70. In the real world I have one student with an IQ below 50 and two students with a primary diagnosis of emotional handicap with MiMH as a secondary. At times I think my class is a bit of a catch all but I really like being there. Most of my students are great, they just can't handle general education classes.
I woul love to have my students pen pal through email. We would not be as diverse as you are wanting but I think the experience would be good for the kids. I teach first grade in Trussville Alabama. I have 17 students and we are just about to start a blog on my school webpage. Maybe your students and possibly Louisa's students would be interested in blogging with my students. The webpage is http://www.trussvillecityschools.com/Teachers/Tina.Fortenberry/defa...
Please check it out and let me know if we can work out some kind of collaberation with your students.
Hi Tina,

This would be good for my students. I am still working for permission to do all this with my students, I need school and parental permission. I know two or three already do email and my space but none of my students blog. This is all relativiely new to me as well. I will try to get permission as soon as possible so we can start. Thank you.

Mike couch
Hi Tina, Check out the wiki I have set up at


I would be happy for your first graders to have input on this - you can do something as a class if you like - I am sure they have lots of jokes they'd like to put up or could tell us about the place you live....

I will be starting with my kids on the wiki on or around 13 October (after our school holidays)

All the best
if anyone else at your school wants to participate, that is fine by me!
how cute is your announcer! I am going to steal that idea for our class blog at


We will definitely be able to visit your blog and comment once you have it all set up.
Hello Mike Couch,
I teach computers at Villa Maria School in Timonium, MD - a special education school for middle school students. I'm new to the school, so I spoke to the Librarian who has been here for some time.
I'll get back to you
HI Theodore,

Let me know when you find out. I too am working to get things set up with all the needed permission and permission slips. Stay in touch, please.
Hi guys,

am hoping to get my kids posting to the e-zine by the end of next week - we are on school holidays right now. Please visit the e-zine and add yourselves or kids as members so that you can edit the pages. I have put an example on the jokes page.

Please email to let me know if you are going to participate.




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