Has anyone used software to create ebooks with their students. The flash books that turn pages? I am thinking about creating a project like this with my grade 8 students. I am looking for a recommendation regarding software to use.

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I used this one about 10 years ago when it was free and at the time "one of the coolest things" I'd ever seen! I've seen several others that aren't free. The only thing I found that was free was flip.com and I don't think it's an actual "flipbook".
Try this one. I think it has what you are looking for. I've some others deep in my treasure trove of bookmarks. I'll see what I can dig up.



I've had this one in my del.ici.ous for a while - haven't tried it though!

This one - http://www.tikatok.com/ - has teacher tools in it. You can embed a flash version and they can purchase actual books.
We've set up an account to use Tikatok with our primary students (2nd and 3rd grade). It has some issues but my co-teacher thinks we will be able to get some nice products with student writing and scanned drawings.
What kinds of issues are you running into?
I think she has gotten everything ironed out and will use the product with 2-3 graders. I'll let you know how things progress.
This is my favourite -Big Universe you can create a book and then share it on the site.
Hi Doug,
The word e-books caught my attention. I've been debating what to do with our Big Book collection in our Division. These big books were published and produced locally for our schools and utilized in the early years section. I was looking for a way to share these online and debating the pros and cons for using Powerpoint or slideshows via on our website.. or something more portable like a DVD and mailing to all schools. But I have heard a little of e-books and would like to know more. What information can you share on this topic?
There are online web 2.0 resources that you can use to create free ebooks. Check some of these out.

Kerpoof- create an interactive online story
Mixbook, www.mixbook.com Tikatok www.tikatok.com - create a free ebooks
Livebook www.livebook.com - create a community written online book.

Hope they help.
thanks Cheryl, I will definitely look these up. I also pass these on at my next PD workshop.
Here's another one: http://yudufreedom.com/



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