We are students enrolled in an Advanced Web 2.0 class, and we were wondering if anyone had any idea, or past experience, with using skype in the classroom. It can be between the students or between schools.


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One other cool thing some teachers and I want to try: calling each other during classes. Like to ask the math teacher a question about graphing or something like that. It seems perfect for middle school students.

I'll report back if and when we make this happen.

The assistant principal is the administrator responsible for the special education department and "at-risk" efforts at my school, and as a consequence, he is involved with me on several cases.

Maybe Skype can facilitate the communication between assistant principals and school psychologists...I will also report back to this forum if and when something happens.
I am an educator committed to hooking classrooms around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
We at Millis High School are very strong in the field of Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning. We currently have two classes at MHS. Advanced Web 2.0 and Standard Web 2.0. Last year was the pilot year for Web 2.0, and it went so well they carried the returning students over to Advanced Web 2.0. Our class has created as Wiki, http://milliswiki.wikispaces.com, which we worked on last year and it is now completed. What we would like to do is Skype with other classes to talk about Web 2.0 using our Wiki as a resource. For younger students we can talk to them about Internet safety. We are open to any educational effort so we can apply Skype to the classroom.
I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner

Not sure how this would work for you, but we had a video conference debate between two teams of students who were in different parts of the country (New Zealand). The team members themselves were in different parts of the country and co-ordinated their debate responses via the video conference using skype. The debate adjudicator was also remote and so was also linked in via VC. So we were using both skype and VC to connect our students.
First of all, I would love to skype with your class. I teach 6th-7th grade technology classes.
At my school a teacher skyped with another teacher in Wales simple to learn about what life was like there. Another special ed. teacher skyped her class with another special ed class. I am about to skype with my son's kindergarten teacher and be a mystery reader. I am also working on a project based on the book Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins and hope to skype with him. The possibilities are endless!! Please contact me if you are interested in collaborating!
Absolutely. I would like to propose that my HS students talk - Sykpe - to your 6th and 7th grade classes and talk about Web 2.0 and safe and responsible use. I would also like both classes to collaborate and create a presentation about what they did. Please email me at ddigiammerino@millisps.org and we can start putting this together. Oh yeah, I am the class teacher - David DIGiammerino.
I just got back from a conference today. I am so excited you want to collaborate. I also do a unit on digital citizenship. I will email you what I do and would love to have you make improvements or come up with something new altogether. Will email you soon!
Wow - so many responses. Here's what we do with Skype - a little ESL , a little math, lots of fun...

We have used skype to connect two grade 1 classrooms both raising butterflies. We hope to skype soon with epenpals from a companion school and with another class in the district that we are collaborating with on a writing project. I am planning to find a companion class in Alaska for one of our fifth grade classes who is studying the plight of the polar bear.



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