Anyone using this? Can you share what ideas and projects you have used this for with students?

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Hi there! New to classroom 2.0, but thought I'd share that I used glogster as a way to manage a wikispace with lots of jumping off points for one particular topic. For example I did an All About Me wikispace with my class and embedded a glogster page onto that main page. Then created links to each text sticker on that page. One of the links would go to a "Favorite Book" or "Favorite Ice Cream" page. The kids loved the visuals and found it easier to navigate through than the table of contents on the side of the wikispace.
Aruba Lady I love that idea can you give us a link to that page so we can see it?

Nancy You are the best I love see good examples-they inspire me! Those pages on Oskar Schindler were powerful. What a great way to use Glogster-very powerful.
Welcome to classroom 2.0 Aruba Lady! I joined about a year ago and am still learning things! However, I can't get on the website from my school, so it takes me a while to find time to get on at home, what with my other duties.

I also like your wiki idea. I can see where students, especially younger ones would find it easier to use and find the links easily. This could be a good activity for the beginning of the school year to get to know your students, or for a biography project or Famous Americans.
If anyone else is using this and successfully has student accounts going...could you please tell me how? I want to use this with my English kids doing reports on civil rights...and although it says I have my 16 student accounts, I can't figure out how to actually use them. Thanks!
Contact their "help" people, I'm sure they can get you set up.
When you sign up as a teacher, Glogster asks you how many student accounts you want. Then you should receive an email with you login names and passwords. Hope that helps!
What a cool tool this is!!! After making my own glog to find out how this works, I have lots of ideas on how this might be used in the classroom. One teacher and I spoke of having kids post key points in content with responses and visuals to enhance the content. I can also see this as an alternative to creating brochures with specific content. We see many possibilities. That you!
As I remember, I think Glogster prints...which is a plus in the elementary classroom with the Web 2.0 tools.
I was just trying to use Glogster EDU for a teacher as well, but didn't see how I can add their students accounts. Did anyone figure this out? I did send them an e-mail to ask.
If I remember correctly you do have to email them the number of accounts and they generate the student IDs - that wasn't ideal for me since my students have the same (or similar) ID on all accounts but it worked.
I just made a glogster where I uploaded my students podcasts. The posters theme was the Revolutionary war. My students had to write a script on a event in a historical fiction novel that they read. Then they turned it into a podcast. I put the podcasts onto the glogster poster and then embedded it into our wiki.
Anyone having issues embedding glogs into blogs, websites, wikis, etc.? I have contacted glogster on many accounts and they were trying to help, when I got a message today that the problem must be with I don't buy that as the same problem is also happening in iweb and dreamweaver. The problem is the glog takes over the entire page and won't shrink down. I had this work correctly once on my blog, but can not get it to work again. Any ideas?



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