I've been playing with podcasting the past year and a half and have used Podbean.com as a free host. They've been fine and I've had no complaints. I anticipate that I'll use up my free allotment later this school year and am wondering if anyone has recommendations for a good podcast host (either free or paid).

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We did our podcasts with Audacity and loaded then to our website, but you could also put them on a blog or wiki. I think Weebly and http://www.synthasite.com/ make nice looking websites.
Podomatic is a free podcasting site.
Thanks for the input. Podomatic is probably closer to what I have in mind than Weebly. I have good hosting already for my teaching website (and, never fear, Nancy, I do know HTML when I need it).

I'm trying to host the podcasts else where because they take a log of bandwidth and tend to be fairly large files. Places like Podomatic might be what I need.

Does anyone else have any ideas?
I've been using gcast.com and there seems to be no space limitations.

Apparently they may put advertisements in your podcasts but they haven't put any in mine. You can then pay for them to not put advertisements in.
wikispaces gives you 2 gb of spaces. at 1mb a minute that is 2000 minutes of podcasts for free.



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