Since signing up for these forums I've discovered lots of wonderful websites and programs to check out. Unfortunately, lack of time doesn't allow me to explore them fully but I want to in the future. I've bookmarked most of them and now my bookmarks are running rampant. How do you keep your bookmarks and/or websites and programs organized so that you can find them when you want to? I feel like I"m drowning in good stuff, but drowning nevertheless.

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Now aurely you have heard of Delicious or Diigo.

Well If not you need to explore these. I personally like Delicious better than Diigo, but thats a personal choice. What exactly are these two apps? Since I like Delicious better, I'll point you to a place that can give you an axcellent description:
the 2008 K12 Online Conference!

Specifically watch the video of Chris Betcher's Presentation from this past Tuesday
"I Like Delicious Things: An Introduction to Tagging and Folksonomies" by Chris Betcher
It is located here:

Best of luck as you learn new ways to explore sites through online bookmarking, tagging, and revisiting.
I have heard of Delicious and Diigo but haven't taken more than a quick glance at the page. I'll look into them next weekend we we get a short break from school.
The one thing I don't like about Delicious is the lack of folders. You are supposed to find stuff by tags. For years I used and loved the folders, it was really easy to find stuff. I've switched to Delicious but I feel like I spend a lot of time scrolling for what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, you might get some good suggestions here at CR 2.0.
I might be old fashioned, but I also like organizing things into folders. I can find things quicker in folders, unless there is a super duper search engine similar to Spotlight on the Mac OS X. The one on Leopard is quick. The search feature on my PC at school allows me to go to the bathroom, get coffee and teach a lesson before it's done. Or at least it appears that way.

The more I delve into Web 2.0 applications, the more I realize I am such a digital immigrant with a very thick accent. :-(
You might want to look at Only2Clicks. You can organize into multiple tabs and the screen shot is nice and can sometimes give you a clue as to why you saved it.
Thanks. I hadn't heard of Only2Clicks. I'll take a look at it.
I use Google Notebook. The notebooks are like files. Since I read these posts in Google Reader, it's really easy to file my links in Google Notebook.
Thanks, Beth. I also read these posts with Google Reader. For a while Google docs were blocked at my school. They don't appear to be now. I'll have to check to see if Google Notebook is accessible. I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance yet to check if the other links are blocked at school or not. I should be able to spend time this weekend looking at these sites - and then discover Monday which ones are blocked.



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