My district has a district license for copyright friendly music (Soundzabound) to provide great soundclips and music for our news shows and growing multimedia projects. But i am concerned about the trend I see of students just using the handy right click to grab what ever picture on the Internet they feel suits their needs. Of course I am providing information about Creative Commons and citing sources for pictures they use, but I am wondering if anyone can share sources of pictures we can use that won't be "blocked" by standard filters. Right now I must login to get them to flickrcc, and I'm not always able to be with them when they need pictures. If i am to reduce the "thievery" of right click, I need to be able to point to readily available picture sources. What are your kids using? What are you doing to teach that the right click is not the best (or most copyright friendly way) to get pictures for projects?

Tags: commons, copyright, creative

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Some good resources here. In terms of rights, as one person mentioned, students or teachers using images within the class for instruction have nearly every right to use what they find online. It's that recreating/publishing outside of the class that gives a bit of a rub. If the use is simply for classroom use, kids and teachers have nearly unlimited rights.

On flickr, there are some pretty inappropriate images there. Disturbing actually. Watch the kids' searches.
Flickr is blocked in school, so we are safe here. Unfortunately and fortunately. Sigh.
Mine too. My IT department is working on dual permissions that varies for students and teachers. In that case it's ON for Flickr and Youtube and .... we'll see if it pans out.
Flickr was blocked by our district for several years but this year is unblocked. I think it's all a matter of monitoring, educating, and notifying. Teachers should get written permission from parents, AUP signed from kids. Kids should be educated to what the internet really is, I like this and how to use it responsibly and most importantly teachers need to monitor. I'm amazed at how many teachers let kids surf willy-nilly without direct observation, what a ROYAL waste of time and a potential for trouble!!
It's not just the students. I run workshops with teachers who don't think twice about grabbing any image off the Web and placing it on their (public) school Web page. After a little talk about intellectual property rights I direct them to Creative Commons, explain the licenses, and we search Flickr via the CC site. Also, I created a list of a few dozen sources for public domain images: These sources may prove helpful. Since my students often created projects for public consumption they were required to consult CC and my list of image sources, or write permission to a webmaster to use a copyright restricted image.
Tom, Agree. I'm a year or two from retirement and have been fighting for tech integration for 15 + years. I'm about ready to give up. Things don't seem to be getting much better. I know teachers who don't know how to send an email attachment!

An aside--I've noticed since NCLB starting lurking around kids have less computer skills than they used to--no more time for teaching the basics---typing, word processing, Excel, etc. Are we going backwards? N
I wouldn't despair quite yet. This year, at my school, (not including me) two people are now bookmarking with Delicious, and four people are investigating wiki use in the classroom. Out of a staff of about 45 classroom teachers, it's not much but it's progress.
Yippee! Glad you are seeing some progress, even if it's small. Keep working!
Glad to hear Delicious mentioned and that you're making progress. Pat Woessner at MICDS in St. Louis has made good strides in getting departments to share bookmarks via Delicious and he might be someone to contact.
I throw this out where I can, why doesn't Delicious have folders? No matter how good my tags are and how good my bundles are named I feel like I'm scrolling through pages looking for stuff. Does any one else feel that way?
I think it's because folders represent top-down, exclusive control of information reminiscent of the "Web 1.0" era, whereas tags represent the bottom-up participatory democracy that marks "Web 2.0." Thus, folksonomy now replaces taxonomy.
Of course, maybe they just forgot to include folders.
lol, another example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater---we shall see what happens to all this Web 2.0 stuff. It's great stuff but are teachers going to embrace it any more than they embraced 1.0? I have my doubts based on the last two years, but we shall see.



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