This is a whole new experience for me so I hope this message gets to the right place! I'm very interested in the whole social networking thing but here's the catch - I teach Kindergarten. Anyone have any great ideas of how to hook up a K. class north of the 49th parallel with another class? Love to hear your ideas!!

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Come check out global education collaborative ning...!
Wow, that sounds like a really neat project, and I'm sure a great learning experience for kids. Interestingly, one of our senior AP science teachers had her science students each create their own blog and blog the progress of seeds they were growing.
Hello from the center of Kansas, Lyons Kansas to be specific. We would truly be interested in establish some internation collaboration projects based on high level, problem solving concepts. I have a kindergarten and a 1st/2nd teacher that are truly wanting to provide their students an opportunity to learn outside of the "walls". We have even spoken with some educators from Renwick School District (near Wichita, KS) about joinging their international collaboration activites. One project deals with students recording, journaling, and providing pictures of birds outside of their classroom eating a bird feeder. The concept goes along with bird migration. I just viewed a clip from a Classroom 2.0 teacher that uses Garage band to create 30 second sound clips and then passes it on to the next school to add sound clips of their own. Once the original clips have made it full circle, they have a completed song. What I think would be a good beginning project would be to take a small art classroom project and share the components with a different group of students and see what each group can create out of them. Then share their ideas and see what designs were similar. Then develop further collaborative projects as each teacher becomes confident in conducting such activites.
Dean, Thanks so much for the reply. I LOVE the ideas!! It's a little late in the school year to be starting a collaborative project but I would be VERY interested in something next year. I'm moving to a new school next year and will have JK-SK half day , every day plus administrative duties, in a more disadvantaged school. I think an opportunity like this would be great for these children. One thing, it sounds like you use Macs in Kansas because of your reference to Garageband. We use PCs here in my Board (London Ontario area). I'm familar with Audacity so maybe if this flies we can work something out. Let me know - I particularly like the bird migration and art project ideas. Thanks again - so glad to hear from you!!
I will be more than happy to work something out with you. Oh, by the way, we are a PC environment. We have 6 desktop computers in each K-2 classrooms. Our 3-5 elementary has a 25 station lab and 3 laptop carts for a total of 90 laptops. 6th grade has a 30 laptop cart to themselves. Then grades 7-12 are participating in our 1 to 1 laptop program. Thus, I am always looking for excellant ways to integrate technology and keep the student interested and motivated.
Hey Dean,

I'm thrilled to hear back from you. Sounds like your school has lots of technology!! I don't know for sure what my new school has in the way of tech. but regardless, I'm PUMPED about doing something with you. Let's give our brains a chance to percolate and keep in contact over the summer months.
I am a K-5 elementary technology teacher. I would LOVE to join you all in a project. I am trying to do a project with each grade level next year. Let me know!

I also teach elementary technology classes and would love to join in on kg project(s). THis year I will not have kg on a regular basis as in the past, but I will serve as technology integration mentor/coach for our 6 kg classes. (In the past I taught kg for several years and still want to stay involved with kg level.)
I also want each of my grade levels to be a part of a collaborative distance learning project and spotted this.
For kg we have made lots of videos on books, field trips, nursery rhymes, career days. Many Powerpoints too - a different topic for each class (feelings, numbers, objects around the room, playground, sets...). I believe you can now export powerpoint and convert it to other media. Any of these projects can be extended with web 2.0 tools which is my goal this year.

I think if we all have clips we can combine them in movie maker. oh- I have PC's in my lab and 5 in each classroom.
Great to see another elementary technology teacher and a kg teacher in technology.
Please stay in touch!
Hi Eloise,

Thanks so much for answering! I'd love to get a multi-school / multi-grade project moving. Let's keep in contact over the summer months work on something for next year. I think this is a terrific opportunity for classes to extend their learning.

I don't, but I teach college and at times have my students do intercultural projects. I'd be interested in talking about a collaboration if you are.
There's a lot of ways you can hook your class up to the world. You could start a blog, create your own web-page, or even introduce your class to Ning. However, to more directly answer you question I'd have to tell you where to find another Kindergarten class for your kids to interact with. I know of none. As far as i know you'd be the first teacher to get his kids online like that.

I work on the web application The service they provide could perfectly fit your needs, and more... however, you'd still have to find another kindergarten class with a teacher who's doing something similar. I'm sure that if you look around the web you'll find another teacher on a social network that is thinking the exact same thing as you. As with anything, you're going to have to be the one who gets that ball rolling.

I'd love to see this happen. It's a very interesting idea.
Wow, I can't believe I didn't see this earlier! There's a Distance Collaborations group here in CR2.0, where there are ready people who have great ideas!

Additionally, I have a contact who said I could give out her info to those who are interested in the younger kids:
She's creative and AWESOME--tell her I sent you.

We're talking about Virtual Field Trips in a couple of different places in this Distance Collaborations group and I think that even though you work with Kindergarten, you could still participate in VFT with students who are older.



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