I've been reading good blog posts lately, such as about School 2.0. I can more easily see it with older kiddos, not the elementary ones I work with. Is that just because I'm stuck in this old paradigm or are there valid reasons why there would need to be a continuum of School 2.0-ness? I have trouble getting past the idea that it's hard to be admitted into School 2.0 until you can read and write, at least a bit. But this is turning into a discussion topic of its own instead of an introduction, so I'll move it to a new discussion. Please comment on it there. I'd really like to hear some other perspectives.
(And yes, I'd love to link to some of those good posts but now that I'm searching for them, I can't find them. Could have sworn Jeff Utecht just had one, but I can't find it.)
Tags: school2.0
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