I have really enjoyed my experience with all of you on Classroom 2.0, and I thought I would push myself further in my thinking by using the platform to organize my resources for a graduate class I will be teaching a number of times this summer. I will be working with teachers at all levels of tech experience, but my guess is that none of them will have used anything like this. Do any of you in my Classroom 2.0 network have any bits of wisdom to share? Here is what I have used in the past, a simple website.This is what I created in a very short time, more coming as I prep for the start of class.

Tags: NING, camp, platform, socialnetworking, teaching, tech, with

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I also try and , and stay in contact, but a few emails are exchanged and then it fizzles out! I will keep everyone posted about how this works. I am worried about the non-tech teachers. But, this will be the perfect week to try it, more of a casual setting. Talk about scaring the non tech teachers, I plan on showcasing their work in Second Life! I have no idea how that is going to work, but I am all about trying new things! If it doesn't work at least I tried! I love this tech camp, it is a great week. One of my only rules is you will fail the class if you give me anything on paper! That has been a challenge for people, now Second Life and NING!!
I really want to learn more about Second Life. I read so many articles and blog posts about it. My daughter used to be an extreme SIMS freak, (until the software won't work with VISTA) and I thought her and my son could help me out. We signed up for accounts and tried it one night. My daughter's person took all her clothes off and ran around naked. She couldn't figure out how to put her clothes back on. My son wandered around for a while until he got sick of being cursed at by the other players and lost interest. I must be missing something big because running around naked and being called four letter words doesn't sound too appropriate for education. I'm willing to give it another shot, though (as long as I can keep my clothes on).
LOL! My first experience was also very strange!! I read an article on April 1st in the Chicago Trib, went in and fell down stairs, walked into walls and basically decided this was not for me. It all changed on April 17th when Kathy Schorck sent out her site of the week and offered to teleport me to her house. She is a friend in Real life, so I gave it a try. As always Kathy was so kind she showed me the way. I have repaid her kindness by helping others. Sign back on and search for me (in SL my name is Meg Writer) if I am online I will teleport you to my house, and I will show you around. I am on a safe island called eduislandII, we keep our clothes on and don't swear!
Join me! That invitation goes to the entire community, let me know if I can help!
Nadine, you might want to start with a venue meant for younger kids -- Club Penguin. There, everyone starts as a penguin so clothes don't really matter, and there is no swearing allowed!

I tried out a penguin before letting my 9yo try it, and got a pet puffle, and then spent ages figuring out how to feed the poor thing (just take it home with you, and click on it, it's "card" opens up and the feeding option is right there). It was so intuitive for those kids who've grown up using avatars, but for me, it was really a learning curve (I wanted to buy food at the store, silly me).

Anyhow, I found it tons easier than SL...
I am anxious to hear how this goes for you. I will be teaching a high school digital photography class this coming year and am contemplating a Ning network for the class. It would be a private network for content material and student work posting. Keep us updated!
I will try and keep everyone up to date, I like your idea for Fall, I hope my experience will help you! Stay tuned!
Report from Day One of Tech Camp....
We did it we did it (Think Woody in Toy Story!)

This is my post reflection after day one of class, I thought I had shifted my thinking, but I had shifted the assignment to this platform, TOTALLY skipping the power of the connections within the group. For those of you new to the comments I am teaching in rural Illinois and I am using Ning as a teaching platform for the week. Even for those not very techie there was not a problem getting started and participating. BUT because we were in the same room I did not think about making friends and connections here on Ning. We did it face to face. I am rethinking that in reflection as one of my major goals is to build a network of leaders in this area, long after our calss is over. I know this is about relationships, and I totally missed this piece today!
Here is what I just posted on my tech camp network:

You did it, you survived the first day of tech camp, and you all are doing great! Now, as we learn this platform for teaching together, I tried to respond to each post. I am seeing the error of my ways by not connecting YOU, the participants! I connected with each of you in the traditional, "I'm the teacher, please me by doing this assignment model"
Of course you are all good at playing school, so you did as I asked, but you are still floating out there without friends, so sorry, glad I did not make this mistake in Jr. High!
The power of social networking is with you, not me as your "teacher in training". I was so proud to branch out and try this platform, I thought I restructured the assignment, but on night one I realize I moved the same assignment online. Help me re-think any assignment I give, each one should focus on the power of the group!
Responding to myself, does that spell loser? Well, if I am I am a happy one! Day two of my week long tech camp is done and we are all loving our ning environment. See my post below about the hardest part was to change me! Today was great, they all are teaching each other and they suggest to me when we should post etc. With out guidance they are posting videos etc.
Wow, I can't wait for tomorrow!
our network is http://techcamp.ning.com/
Join the learning!
I am not sure if you are having a discussion board here... you should have a place where the participants can discuss what they learn...it should have a VLE environment.
I loved teaching with the NiNG platform. In my graduate class last week, no one had ever used anything like NING and they were off and running with very little difficulty. Class ended Friday and we have continued the conversation. That was my goal, to keep the conversation going!
One thing they really loved was the ability to upload their multimedia projects with very little effort, really amazing when you think about trying this a few years ago. Check out what they created! http://techcamp.ning.com/video
Also, it was interesting to me how many people are going to try something like this with students come Fall. I start a new class tomorrow, I will make a few changes, but can't wait to use NING again!
"....the ability to upload their multimedia projects with very little effort" - that's the deal-maker for me! YouTube, Flickr and an audio host in a managed, focused environment.
It was wow!
Really immediately published for everyone to see. One person posted and teh rest were off and running. I think the quaility is also good.



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