ISTE has done a great thing for NECC 2007: they've created individual blog tags or labels for each session (and presentation, meeting, lecture, showcase, etc.). This means that you can blog on specific sessions, and you can also keep track of all the blog posts and tagged photos from a specific session! However, the tags didn't get created in time to be in the printed NECC program, and they are currently only found on the NECC website by searching for individual session information.
I've created a list of the session tags for NECC 2007, and added blog and Flickr links and feeds for each. Click on "Blog Posts" or "Flickr" to see tagged posts or photos; use the "Blog RSS" or "Flickr RSS" links to subscribe to all blogs and photos with the specific session tag listed. This is a long list (over 800 sessions) and is alphabetical by speaker last name (you can also use CTRL-F on most browsers to find listings on title or room number). Remember that nothing will show up in the links until someone uses the tag posting a blog or a photo.
Spread the word!
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