What if you were picked up and out of your current teaching assignment, given an empty school and 20 students, ages 9-14, of all abilities/demographics and were told to create a learning environment for them. You're told that you may have whatever tech tools/furniture, etc you'd like. Money is not an issue here! Your job is to set up the school for 20 students total.
However, and here's the kicker, you're not to have individual classes, as we currently think of them. No Science, no social studies, no language arts, no PE, no art, NOTHING. You are to integrate all student learning under "global learning concepts." You can create as many periods a day as you want, in order to put structure to the time, but there are to be no traditional classes and no age-based grade levels.
Where do you begin? What are the essentials that need to be in place to not only address curriculum standards, but also to prepare students for their lives in and beyond University?
Take this as far as you'd like! Who knows...maybe this situation actually exists!
Tags: challenge, innovation, integrated
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