Do your students' parents have expectations about how to get ahold of you? Do they have your home email address, your phone number, etc.? A school email? Do they use a web site (Moodle, etc.)?
We've got a whole range of teachers at our K-8 school, from a classroom team that uses Moodle to post assignments, to a teacher who has no email at home and no interest in having it.
I'd like to assign teachers a school email, but then parent expectations may be that teachers will be "always on" -- unless we make expectations as to when teachers check their emails very clear (i.e.--once a school day for that teacher with no email?).
I am toying with setting up a private ning for parents to communicate with each other and the teachers--and where teachers could post assignments. The Ning seems more accessible than a Moodle, but it would be less easy to post "study guides," because I don't see that you can upload files. So, maybe a Moodle site would be better.
Any guidance? Thanks in Advance!
Tags: communication, email, moodle, ning, teacher
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