Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello, Brian Rehmann from Michigan here. This will be my first year teaching computers so I am glad to have found such a site.
Hi. I'm Colleen. I am a second-year high school English teacher from Illinois. I am interested, now that I have survived my first year, in incorporating technology more into my classroom. I have started with a class blog resource, and I hope to grow from there. Thank you for putting this site together!
I am a history teacher of 8th and 9th grade students. I am also the leader of a middle school team at a small private school. I am special ed certified and teach a population of students with ADHD and Asberger's Syndrome.
Yay more educational technology! I stumbled onto this site on a trackback from my own (someone here linked to me, woo hoo!) and can't wait to get involved. I attended a conference on Web 2.0 in the classroom back in April and that really fired me up to do more than just blogging!

I'm Kevin (AKA: Mr. Roughton) from Southern California and I teach 7th grade world history but I drown it in tech. Now, I hope to drown it in interactive tech!
Teresa Sutherland, Okemos, MI. I'm a 6th grade teacher at Laingsburg Middle School.
Kia Ora everyone,
Heath from New Zealand, teaching in a year 7/8 classroom. I've been implementing a few technologies into my classroom programme this year. As it is all about collaboration I thought I'd better start practicing what I teach. So here I am.

Visit our classroom wiki
My name is Cathy Laguna and I teach Science to 8th graders in Pennsylvania. I have spent about 2 years now learning some web 2.0 tools and am most comfortable with wikis, pageflakes, and voicethread. They have really transformed my classes and been very worthwhile investments in my opinion. I'm hoping to learn to get my classes connected in ways that help open the doors for students who are typically unmotivated in school so that they will be inspired to pursue their own educational interests.
My name is Jason Erk. I am currently teaching first grade. I'm from eastern PA, about an hour north of Philadelphia.
Hi everyone,
Colin Orton here. I am a Teacher Librarian, VCE Media Teacher and eLearning Coordinator from Melbourne, Australia. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you all.
I am Karin, a technologist at UIC, hoping to learn more great stuff from this classroom 2.0 ning site.
Hello everyone!

My name is Eli Gideon Steier. I am grateful for my life and I really enjoy it!

I am originally from Queens, but now reside on Long Island. I am a former professional actor who cares deeply about education.

I have a lot of varied interests which include, but are not limited to: biking, reading, writing, fishing, farming, languages, exploring, sustainability, construction, playing frisbee, the outdoors, learning about anything and everything!

I have found that every individual brings a unique perspective to the world and I look forward to learning from the various people on Classroom 2.0 .

I am also a passionate, young, certified English teacher currently looking for a teaching position on. Long Island. For those that are in charge of hiring on Long Island, I can assure you that it will be difficult to find a teacher who will work as hard for the students as I will.
Hello. I am Les Hall from Penzance in Cornwall, England. I'm an Art and Media teacher.



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