Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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I am Brad, a principal at a 6-8 middle school in Columbus Ohio. I have worked in middle schools my whole 20 year career with the exception of 3 years in curriculum at the central office. I look forward to the collaboration that this type of site offers.
Welcome aboard, I'm sure you'll find a lot of interesting conversations going on here. Check back often.
Hi, I'm Martin Boonstra. I teach 5th grade in Raleigh, North Carolina. I moved to Raleigh from Charlotte over the summer. I am originally from Michigan (born and raised, attended university there). I moved to NC for the job. Glad to be here.
Hi Martin! I'm from Michigan as well (went to EMU) and I'm teaching 4th grade in Wake County at Oak Grove. Where are you? How do you like Wake County so far?
Hello from chilly South Dakota!
I am Tracy Vik, the Staff Development Coordinator for the Sioux Falls School District. The District has just over 21,000 students (which is 1/5 of the total student population in our state) and approximately 3000 employees (of which 1500 are teachers and 80 are administrators).
I am very interested in learning all I can about Web 2.0 and all it has to offer our students and staff.
I look forward to learning from and collaborating with many of you in the future!
Welcome aboard, you'll get a lot of great ideas here!
I am a class teacher in Scotland teaching pupils age 8-9. I have a class of 30 - 22 boys and 8 girls! I have just started the school blogging and am absolutely hooked on it. Have been very hard at work trying to poromote our school blog even though i'm supposed to be on my Christmas hols!! Would welcome any advice from anyone out there on our new blog. Am also keen to start communicating with other classes using Skype - anyone interested?
Caroline McC
Caroline McC here - forgot to leave blog address -
Welcome, we have an active student blog for 4-6th grade students. The AUP is one of the links at the top. Check Recent Posts to see student writing. If you haven't already, post your Skype question as a discussion, you'll get more interest.
Hi I`m Pam and I`m developing my online network and have keen interest in education
I am a technology educator from NYC. Lisa from the OIT of the NYCDOE suggested I join. I wear many hats in my job/career and prefer to call myself an educator. Fran G
Hi! I am Srivani and I teach in at Ngee Ann Polytechnic,Singapore. I have been teaching for about 8 months now and am still a green horn.I have always been fascinated by the profession where we learn as we teach or facilitate(a new word for me!).
I am totally in awe of the various web-based teaching tools available and I juxtaposition this with the challenges (again web-based) teaching faces.....complex issues indeed.
I want to share my experiences with all of u out there....and am quite sure this will be a good experience for me.
Cheers to everyone and wishes for a wonderful teaching-learning 2009:)



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