Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Actually, I am curious to know how second language folks are using some of the Read/Write web applications for their students.
Can you share any ideas?
Check out the Chris Craft audio interview I put on the front page--lower left side where the new audio feature is. Latin and Spanish students in middle school using Audacity and Skype. :)
Hi Christiane
I look forward to reading what you are up to.
Hi from Middle America, also called Stillwater, OK! I am special education teacher and am very excited to be a part of Ning!
Hi! I'm Becky Leff from Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I teach 4th grade at a private school for gifted students.
Hi Becky
Is it just gifted and talented program that you teach?
Just wondering.
Hi Kevin,
My school is all gifted, so I teach the normal 4th grade subjects -- language arts, math, social studies. The difference is that our classes are up a year in level, so I teach a 5th grade math curriculum to my 4th graders, for example. We also accommodate for differences -- sometimes we send a student to the next grade for math if he or she is two or more years ahead of the standard grade level. We also differentiate in class with flexible groups, differing assignments, etc. We have a lot of freedom to try different things, for example we teach social studies through simulations. It's a cool school and fun a fun place to be. Does that answer your question? Are you in the Ning Gifted Education network? I'm really a beginner as far as using new technology. I tried a WebQuest last year.
Sounds wonderful, Becky.
Aloha! I'm a crusty ancient old-timer in regard to participatory media, virtual community, etc., but a newcomer to teaching. I teach Participatory Media, Digital Journalism, and Virtual Community, so I darned well BETTER include Web 2.0 media and methods. I started by reading Will Richardson's book and by picking the brains of the few people I knew who applied these media and methods. I'm eager to learn more. Here is a syllabus in progress. I'm in the process of moving it to Socialtext.
Hi Howard

Interesting syllabus -- seems like a good focus on community and self and expression throughout the mix.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi, I'm Ellen. I'm the ed tech specialist and computer teacher at a Pre-K to Grade 5 school in Brooklyn, New York. This was our first year getting our feet wet with blogging (no individual blogs for the kids yet, but a class blog) and podcasts. I'm hoping to get into wikis, regular podcasting, digital storytelling and more blogs next year and look forward to hearing about what all of you are doing with your students. I also do PD for teachers in my region and I'm teaching my first graduate course in tech this summer.
Hi Ellen
There is a group here on C2.0 for elementary teachers like us. You should join it, if you haven't already done so.
Your story sounds a bit like mine, with class blog, podcasting, etc.



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